Finally in Japan

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"It's too fucking early for this shit." I groaned, leaning against the window on the car ride to the airport. We were finally heading to Japan. "God damn it, all I want is sleep. Fucking hell..."
It was four in the morning. "Yoongs, stop talking." Jimin yawned, "You cuss a lot when your tired. Mom doesn't approve."
"How many times have I told you to stop calling me mom?!" Seokjin snapped at Jimin.
"Everyone stop arguing, it isn't even 5am." Namjoon face palmed, "Tae, deal with Yoongi, he's cranky."
"Wait wait wait!" Jungkook perked up, "You say we're not allowed to talk about TaeGi as you do that? That's even worse than us just talking about them!"
Namjoon sighed, clearly regretting saying anything. "It wasn't because of the ship, it's because Taehyung has this thing with Yoongi. He can deal with him well. You should especially know, Jungkookie."
Taehyung reached over Hoseok- who was sleeping in between us- to tap my shoulder. "Hyung, no dirty wordies."
"How old are you? Five?"
"Shut up, I'm tired, too."
"Hey," Seokjin said, "Maybe you two wouldn't be so tired if you went to bed when I told you to. Instead, you guys stayed up past midnight talking."
I rolled my eyes, "We didn't mean to."
"Sure you didn't."
Taehyung had still been wearing my 'parental advisory explicit content' hoodie, but had put in the effort to change into a pair of jeans before we left. "Hyung," He said, laying on Hoseok's legs in attempts to lay on me, "I'm sleepy."
"Then go to sleep." I patted his head, which was basically resting on my thigh.
Everyone in the band was used to laying on or being laid on by someone during early morning car rides. We all had our weird sleeping positions (Jungkook called them 'car nap kinks', but he couldn't say it in front of Seokjin). Hoseok always had his head tilted back really far, leaving his neck stiff and sore. Taehyung liked laying across people. Jimin would curl into a ball and sleep against whoever was next to him. Jungkook prefered to stay awake during car rides, but when he did fall asleep, he'd be sure to take off his seatbelt before doing it (I'll never understand that, to be honest).
Seokjin, Namjoon, and I were unlucky when it came to sleeping positions. We would switch off whose driving for long distance trips, so the three of us usually had to stay alert. For short distance trips, none of us ever knew how to comfortably fall asleep. Whenever we did manage to fall asleep, none of us had distinct things like everyone else did.
Within half an hour, we were at the airport. "Just fucking drag me." I groaned, laying on the ground of the parking lot.
"Yoongi, for fuck's sake, get off the ground." Namjoon sighed.
"Bitch, make me." I gruffed.
"Jungkookie, pick up Yoongi."
Without any hesitation, the maknae rushed over and pulled me on to my feet. Sometimes I hated his strength.
~~~Time skip~~~
The seven of us stood in a cluster in a Japanese hotel hallway. It was almost noon.
"Roommates!" Taehyung threw his arm around me as soon as Namjoon had asked the question.
"Alright, TaeGi, you can have room 118. Jinkook, 120. Hoseok, Jimin, you're with me in 119." Namjoon clapped his hands together, "Everyone get sleep tonight. We have a long day tomorrow. It's still early, though and we don't have anything to do today, so you guys can just have a free day. Don't do anything too stupid, and put your stuff in your room before going anywhere."
I half expected Taehyung to try and drag me out of the hotel, the same way he had done whenever he had a free day with Jimin or Jungkook, but the younger boy didn't. Instead, he insisted that he errands to run, and disappears for hours. I didn't mind being alone. I could listen to music or sleep or just think. 
Seeing that the hotels we were in didn't have balconies disappointed me. The little safe haven I had at home was gone. It was only for three days, but still. Having Taehyung as a roommate wasn't the same as talking to him on the balconies. On the balconies, there was a different atmosphere.
Hours passed. I headed out on the town for a short bit of time, but it just seemed to be something to pass time. Seokjin and Jungkook had left almost as quick as Taehyung did, dragging Hoseok with them. Jimin was apparently out with Taehyung. Namjoon, being the leader of the group, had business do with BigHit, leaving me all alone. As much as I enjoyed being alone, it didn't feel good this time.
When I had arrived back at the hotel, it was 5 in the afternoon. I was in an irrational terrible mood. I put on my headphones, blasting my favorite songs as loud as I could handle. Japan was supposed to be fun, but it wasn't. Everyone- even Taehyung- left me behind. I threw myself on the bed, closing my eyes. Music drowned out any other noises. In a few minutes, I had fallen asleep despite the loudness of my headphones.
I napped for hours. What a way to spend my free day. I hadn't even realized Taehyung had come back to the hotel room.
"Hyung," Taehyung whispered excitedly as shook me awake, "I gotta show you something, c'mo-"
"Lemme sleep." I groaned, turning away from Taehyung.
He huffed, grabbing my wrist in attempts to drag me out of the bed. "C'mon," He whined, "You'll love it, I spent all day planning it."
"Sure you did."
Taehyung pouted, "I did! That's why I was gone all day. Just come on, it'll be great and I know you'll love it."
"Fine." I got up, putting on a white hoodie and jeans.
Taehyung eagerly lead me through Japan's streets, bringing a drawstring bag that was stuffed with who knows what. Finally, he lead me to a bike rental place."Why?-"
Before I could even finish asking my question, Taehyung had rented out two bikes. "Follow me!" I did as Taehyung said, following him on a bike through a field and up a hill (to be honest, the hill was a bitch to bike up). Once we were up a rather high hill, Taehyung tossed his bike aside, so I did the same.
"Why are we here?" I asked as Taehyung gestured for me to sit down.
"Remember that promise?"

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