Snow day!

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The cold stung my cheeks. My lips and nose went red due to the temperature. Snow sprinkled down from the sky. It was the fluffy kind that could be used for building snowmen or forts. It was unseasonably cold for November. Although the temperature was well below freezing, I stood out on the balcony talking to Taehyung.
The younger boy loved the snow. As we talked he made snowballs, which he'd try ro throw at imaginary targets below. When he wasn't throwing snowballs, he was replying to Jimin, who had been texting him nonstop. Neither Taehyung or I had spoken much to each other, simply enjoying each other's company was good enough for the two of us.
"Hey, hyung," Taehyung glanced up from his phone, "I gotta show you something."
I looked up from the patterns I had been drawing in the snow on the balcony, "Hm?" Before I could realize what was happening, Taehyung threw a snowball at me.
"Oh you little shit." I grabbed a handful of snow and pact it into a wintery assault weapon, a smile spreading across my face.
I'd be lying to say I didn't give Taehyung special privileges. Others noticed this too, it was one of Seokjin's and Jungkook's main gossip points according to Taehyung (he'd eavesdrop on them from time to time. He isn't quite the innocent little angel everyone made him to be.)
A full blown snowball fight ensued. It was full of laughing, vulgar insults, death threats, and smiles. After half an hour of intensely trying to murder each other with snow, we finally got exhausted. I sat with my back against the railing closest to Taehyung's. "You have snow in your hair." Taehyung stated as he tried to brush it off over the three foot gap.
I shook my head in attempts to get it out of my hair. "Thanks captain obvious."
"You're hair just looks white. You can't even see the purple." Taehyung thought for a second before doing the same 'crossing over the gaps between the balcony' thing he had done a few nights earlier, excpet he did it a bit more carefully and slowly.
"You're gonna kill yourself doing that." I rolled my eyes as Taehyung brushed snow from my bangs, "Especially with the snow."
"It's quicker," Taehyung shrugged, sitting next to me as he finished removing the snow, "And none of the others can see it. They won't be able to gossip about it." The younger boy rested his head on my shoulder. I'd gotten used to his skinship. To be honest, I liked it. Of course, if anyone else tried the same stuff I let Taehyung do to me, they'd be in for a punch in the face.
"I'm cold." Taehyung whined.
I groaned. "Then come inside." I stood up, gesturing for Taehyung to follow me. We went inside my room and discarded our snow covered jackets and shoes.
"Hyung, can I borrow a hoodie and a pair of pajama pants?"
"Your room is literally right next door. You can get your own clothes." I rolled my eyes as I tossed him a hoodie and searched for a pair of pants that would fit him properly. Most of my shirts were too short on him, and the ones that seemed to fit decently would ride up if he put his arms up a little bit. "I better get that hoodie back."
Taehyung pulled my hoodie on, smiling. The hoodie was a few sizes to big on me, it even ran loose on Taehyung. It had the 'parental advisory- explicit content' warning on it. "You're the best. And where did you get this from? And why is it so big?" Taehyung shook his hands around, showing that the obvious sweater paws the too-long-sleeves gave him.
"Amazon." I replied as I tossed him a pair of loose fitting pajama pants, "I didn't realize I ordered the wrong size. Why do you ask so many questions?"
"I'm curious." Taehyung looked at the pants I had given him, "Why do you have pants have llamas and bears on them?"
"You ask too many questions," I rolled my eyes, "And I saw them on Amazon and wanted them."
I turned around so I wouldn't see Taehyung changing. After he pulled my pants on, he turned to me. "Who would win in a fight:  a bear or llama?"
"A bear."
"Why are all your clothes so fluffy?"
"Fabric softener. That and that they're comfy." I sat down on my bed, "Any more questions?"
Taehyung tapped his chin, thinking. "How come you treat me differently than everyone else?"
"What do you mean?" I said, hoping that if I played dumb I could avoid answering the question.
Taehyung flopped onto my bed as if it was his own, "Jungkook and Seokjin have been calling them 'special privileges', except in Chinese so we can't understand. From what I heard their definition is when you let me do things or do things to me that anyone else would get a kick in the dick for."
"Don't tell anyone I said this but I like you at least 20% more than most people." I responded flatly, looking away from him, "How'd you get the translation for their stupid Chinese?"
Taehyung took out his phone, "Google translate."
"Have you been eavesdropping more?"
"Oh yeah, definitely." Taehyung launched an app before saying clearly: "Tèbié Tèquán."
"Special privilege." The app repeated back in a mechanic tone.
"So let me get this right," I clapped my hands together, "We start getting friendlier than usual with each other, then JinKook starts snooping around in it, Namjoon puts a ban on talking about TaeGi, so to avoid getting in trouble, JinKook has been speaking in Chinese and making phrases in the language, then you start eavesdropping on them for whatever reasons, translate the Chinese as they say it, and learn their phrases? Now we're leaving for Japan in- tomorrow, meaning that Namjoon won't be able to be as strict about the TaeGi ban and JinKook will be able to talk about it more openly."
Taehyung gave me a nod, then paused. "We get to do the star gazing!" He said excitedly.
"Oh yeah," I remembered, "That should be fun."
Taehyung sat up, "I want hot chocolate. Make me some?" He asked with a cute pout.
"Okay two things. One: you have no consistency whatsoever. Two: I'll make you some, but you gotta get up and come with me to the kitchen. No way in hell I am leaving you alone in my room." I got up, waving for Taehyung to follow me.
Like an eager puppy, he followed me to the kitchen. Fuck, I softly smiled to myself as I stood on my toes to get the cocoa powder from the top shelf, This kid is adorable. I decided to make myself a cup of hot chocolate, too. "Here," I slid Taehyung a mug once I finished making the drink, "You want whip cream or marshmallows? I think was have both here."
"Whip cream!" Taehyung smiled.
I rummaged through the fridge, pulling out a can of Reddi Whip. "You are not trusted to do this yourself." I said, putting some whip cream on his hot chocolate.
"Hey!" Taehyung crossed his arms, "I'm an adult! I can handle whip cream!"
"You are anything but an adult." I rolled my eyes, putting whip cream on my hot chocolate.
"C'mon hyung," Taehyung whined, "Don't treat me like a little kid."
"Alright fine," I shrugged, grabbed a bottle out of the fridge, "Then I guess you don't want me to pour chocolate syrup on your hot cocoa?"
"No-! I mean- I didn't say that." Taehyung's face went red as he crossed his arms.
I snickered and poured the chocolate syrup on his drink. "Dork." I smiled.
Jimin walked into the kitchen as I took a sip of hot cocoa, burning my tongue a little. "Hey Taehyung," Jimin said coolly, throwing his arm around Taehyung's shoulder as he whispered something in his ear.
"Oh fuck off!" Taehyung shoved him away with a smile.
Jimin laughed a little. "Don't act like I'm not right, man. We both know it's true." He proceeded to grab an apple and headed back to wherever he came from.
"What was all that about?" I asked.

A/N: I may have forgotten to upload this chapter and posted the next chapter before this. Oops... :/

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