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Taehyung went on Netflix and flipped through the movies. "Gimme the remote." I said.
"We're not watching that again." Taehyung immediately snatched the remote back from me just as I was about to click on a movie called 4th Period Mystery.
I groaned, "So what are we gonna watch? A Werewolf Boy...again?"
Taehyung huffed, crossing his arms. "That movie was a cinematic greatness." He made himself heavier on me, but it didn't do much.
I rolled my eyes, thinking for a second. "How about Attack the Gas Station?" I suggested.
"That works." Taehyung quickly found the movie on Netflix and played it.
Taehyung went from sitting on my stomach to laying on top of me. Around the halfway point of the movie, Taehyung's phone started chiming like crazy. I gave him a look. "Jimin." He rolled his eyes and muted his friend.
Once the movie finished, Taehyung went to get up. "Since you have-"
I grabbed his wrist and pulled him so he was laying on me again. "You stay here. You are my blanket now."
"But I thought you didn't like skinship?" Taehyung cocked an eyebrow.
Fuck, "Shut up."
"I think TaeGi is done with the TV," Jungkook waltzed into the living room. Upon seeing Taehyung and I, Jungkook shouted out, "Hyung! You gotta see this, TaeGi is-" The next part of his phrase was in Chinese, so I couldn't understand it.
"They are?!" Seokjin ran into the room, the knife he was using to cook dinner still in his hands, "They are."
Taehyung, still laying on me, shot the maknae and eldest hyung a confused look. "Do you guys have some secret code to talk about us in front of everyone?"
I flicked Taehyung's forehead, "It's Chinese, you idiot. They probably taught themselves some key phrases so Namjoon can't understand what they're gossiping about."
"It's not gossip," Jungkook said coolly, "It's just telling each other our opinions on a topic."
"Correction, it's you secretly telling each other your opinions on a topic- and that topic just so happens to be two people you personally know." I took out my phone and did a quick google search, "And that's pretty much the definition of gossip."
There was a brief pause before Taehyung said: "Seokjin-Hyung, something is burning."
"Fuck!" Seokjin ran back into the kitchen, trying not to drop his knife as he did so. Jungkook followed his hyung, supposedly to continue talking about us behind our back.
Taehyung checked his phone and groaned, "53 messages from Jimin." He sat up on my stomach, "Aish, he's so needy."
"What's he texting you so much for?"
There was a pause, "Nothing...."

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