After this Event

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The fan meet went as expected- fans shouting at us and asking the most random questions. We did have some good questions, though. A fan had asked about the leather/pastel theme and if it would be used in a comeback. We told them simply 'no', refusing to go into detail about the comeback theme. From what we had planned, the theme would be white and neon. The pastel/leather thing was just because that's what we used in the music video we had released a few weeks ago before we had moved.

We also had to do some fan service- playing games, messing around with other members, being 'aegyo'. And, as usual, we had to deal with the annoying fans who kept shouting out stuff like "Jungkook!! You are my oppa!" and "Jin! Why are you so hot!".

Our break was very short- barely enough time to eat. Within 15 minutes, we were back out ready to do the fan sign part. I hated the People who double event, but BigHit thought it was a great idea. From the business standpoint, it was. Fans would have to pay extra because it's two events in one. It'd also mean a venue would only have to be rented once. There was also a limitation factor, meaning not many people could come, so that way at the next double event people will be willing to pay more for the same experience. Problem with the double event is that it was taxing on us. This was the first one we've done before, so none of us knew what to expect. At least the fan sign part was easy.

It was 8pm when the event ended. Knowing BigHit, we'd have to stay an extra few hours for interviews with PD's.

"Yoongi-hyung" Taehyung ran up to me, "Can I have like 1600 won [about $1.50]? I want something from the vending machine."

"Don't you have your own money?" I rolled my eyes as I dug through the pockets of the jacket I wore here to find my wallet, "Here. Get me something, too." I handed him 3200 won [about $3.00].

Taehyung smiled and made a run to the nearest vending machine. "Hyung!" Jungkook shouted over to me as he wiped off his makeup, "How come you never give any of us money like that?!"

"Because he doesn't have his wallet, unlike your wanty ass." I told him flatly.

A few moments later, "Catch!" Taehyung called out as he tossed me a box of Pepero (they're basically cookie sticks dipped in chocolate- the Korean pocky. I absolutely loved them).

"You're amazing." I said, opening the box and holding a Pepero stick in between my fingers as if it was a cigarette, "What'd you get yourself?"

Taehyung held up a pack of gel filled gummy worms, "These."

We were able to finally leave around 10pm. I was pleasantly surprised, I didn't think we'd be able to leave until much later. Our seats in the car hadn't changed at all except for the fact that Seokjin was driving instead of Namjoon. We had only been on the road for 10 minutes and I was already on the verge of falling asleep, so I leaned on Taehyung's shoulder a little. I could feel him tense up a little, but he didn't seem to mind it.

"Code green!" I heard Hoseok whisper, "They're getting along!"

"Yeah, they've been getting along really well." Jungkook said from next to me.

I quickly glanced up, trying not to let them know I was awake. Taehyung was asleep. Now I had to stay awake- I was curious about what they'd say about us if they thought neither of us could hear them.

"Those two talk a lot on the balconies at the apartment." Seokjin added, "No surprise they've been getting closer."
"I'm pretty sure Tae brings Yoongs food on his lunch break." Jimin said. "I think he mentioned it to me once before.

"It's weird seeing them not hate each other." Jungkook said, "Especially when Yoongi-hyung is being all nice with Tae Tae. I can understand Tae being nicer because- well- he's Taehyung. But Yoongi-hyung? We all know he never would lend any of us money or let us sleep on him or spontaneously do cartwheels for us."

There was a mumble of agreement. "You guys should stop talking about them." Namjoon finally said, "If they want to get along, they can do that without you talking about it behind their backs."
"Yeah, but it's so weird!" Hoseok nearly shouted, "Yoongi and Taehyung are polar opposites and they've known each other for 5 years! Why are they getting so suddenly friendly now?"
"Yoongi was wearing Taehyung's hoodie all day last week I think." Seokjin said as he slowed down at a stop sign. +

"Enough." Namjoon groaned, "It's their choice. They can do whatever they want to do. They don't need your input on it. I'm banning talking about- what's ARMY's ship name for it?- no talking about TaeGi from now on."

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