Chapter 3: Time to Die

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3:00 pm
Vincent's P.O.V-

"Where could she be?"I thought to myself. I them chuckled as I remembered that Renata and Brandy were waiting for me,I was backstage. I peeked out from behind the curtain and saw my daughter,Brandy. However,Renata wasn't there,I had thought to kill off those children one by one. Then I thought "where's the FUN in that?".So, I had put on a golden suit and walked out from the curtain.

Brandy's P.O.V-

"Huh?" I looked at the golden suit. "Wow!who are you?"I asked excitedly,the suit was holding something. I yelled at the top of my lungs"CAKE!!!!",just then i saw Bart pop out of the ball pit."CAKE?!"he said with a smile as he glanced at the golden suit. Oliv looked over as well,from her table. Bart jumped out of the pit and ran over to me,So did oliv. Fredrick had turned around to see Alfred already running over."HEY!ALFRED! Wait for meeee"he whined playfully as he ran over.

Vincent's P.O.V-

I looked down at the children and said with a fake,cheerful voice"HEYA KIDS!would you like some cake?"They yelled and excitedly jumped.I heard one,my daughter yell"YESSS!!!". I put a fake friendly grin on and said"Then follow me!"I walked to the back room. They all followed me inside.

Fredrick's P.O.V-

I looked around the room"its...empty..?"I asked as if someone would answer. I heard the door slam shut and lock."H-HUH?!"I said getting tense. I saw Brandy and oliv hug,they were scared but not as scared as my brother. Alfred squeezed my hand and whispered"w-why did he close it..?"I could hear the fear in his voice."Can we get cake now..?"Asked Brandy. The golden suit dropped the cake onto the floor and slowly began to remove the suit.

Bart's P.O.V-

"What the?!WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!"I yelled.Brandy was in shock at who she saw,"d-daddy?"she asked frightened. I saw her let go of oliv and go up to her father."D-daddy..I'm scared...please let us out..."she asked.Vincent pulled out a knife and my eyes widened."BRANDY!GET AWAY FROM HIM!"Alfred screamed,but he was to late. Brandy had been gutted. I dropped my pirate flag immediately and heard the cries of my friends. I couldn't move,I was scared.

Alfred's P.O.V-

What I saw,made me feel like Vincent had ripped out my heart. I felt tears roll down my cheeks and I fell to my knees. I felt a warm embrace,I looked at my brother and he hugged me. However,I think he was crying too,so I hugged back.

Vincent's P.O.V-

I looked down at my daughter's corpse and grew a creepy grin. I glanced at Bart then walked over to him,he was backed up against the wall,I could see his eyes water."so,nephew."I said then I saw Alfred and Fredrick look at me then Bart,I knew what they were thinking. Bart didn't say anything he looked up at me."Uncle p-please..."He begged on the verge of tears. I smirked and gripped him by the shirt then threw him onto the table,one of my hands pressing him down,the other holding a knife to his neck.

Bart's P.O.V-

I closed my un -bandaged eye and cried silently,I heard someone cowering behind the door. It sounded like my dad but I didn't have to time to think about that because just then I felt a sharp pain across my neck.Everything went black.

Oliv's P.O.V-

I stared at Bart"n-no...b-bart..b-Brandy.."I fell onto the ground and cried,I was screaming and kicking"ITS NOT FAIR!ITS NOT FAIR!ITS NOT--"I heard Alfred and Fredrick crying even more as they backed away. I felt a cold cloth over my mouth.Everything went black. When I woke up I saw white everywhere except for when I looked out something,glass I think?

Vincent's P.O.V-

"Enjoy the show little one~"I smirked then turned on the oven leaving the kid to burn. I heard her cry"PLEASE!S-STOPP!!"She coughed up blood."I-I can't..."The oven was splattered with blood so much,that the glass wasn't see through anymore. I opened the oven and half her body rolled out onto the cover the other half remained inside. I heard the last two children scream and cry out for their mother.

Fredrick's P.O.V-

I saw Vincent look my brother in the eyes he then turned off the oven. I saw him cry silently,he knew he was next but, I just couldn't except that. I wouldn't except that,my job is to protect my brother. Vincent walked over to Alfred,just before he could slash at my brother with the knife I pulled him back and felt a sharp pain across my neck. Everything went black.

Alfred's P.O.V-

"FREDRICK!!!"I screamed the tears coming down faster."I-I'm sorry...this is all my fault!"I took off my hat as I sobbed. I heard Vincent's voice" is not your fault little one."He said as he walked towards me,I stepped back.He gripped me by the chin and looked me In the eyes again,I felt my sight be my removed.Blood fell down my cheeks like tears. Vincent held me,the last thing I got to say was"",then everything went black

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