Chapter 3

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Phillip's spending his last night at his parents house. He's buying an apartment by the circus first thing in the morning.

Phillip: (to himself) I hate society. Why can't racism end? This is horrid. Fuck. Even Anne couldn't accept the marriage because of my parents.

Eliza knocks on his door.

Phillip: Go away.

Eliza ignores his request and comes in. Phillip turns around.

Phillip: Eliza. If you don't want me marrying Anne, then you're in luck. You hurt my girlfriend's feelings and made her run off. I tried again and she didn't accept it. Same thing when I first confessed my love. Mother and father caused her meltdown. Just get the f out.

Eliza:  You know Phillip, I was forced to act like this. I accept everyone the way they are, no matter what. I was like that all the time until mother and father started getting tougher towards blacks and supposedly inferior people. I have to act like this, because I could get disowned because of this too. I'll respect all your desicions. Your choice.

Phillip frowns and starts crying.

Phillip: You know, Eliza? You don't have to do this. Look what you guys did to her. It's unforgiving. Don't you understand?

Eliza: I do!

Phillip: Just leave. I've already made an appointment to go apartment hunting by the circus. I can't keep living by the rules anymore! I'm leaving! Goodbye. I'm going to stay the night at Anne and her brother's home.

Phillip slams the door and leaves his sister there on the bed. She starts sobbing and feeling bad for him.

Eliza: I'm done with them. I'll support this couple with whatever they do, and my parents can't change that.

10 minutes later, Phillip knocks on Anne and WD's door. WD answers.

WD: Hello Phillip! Is everything okay? I'm sorry you got rejected.

Phillip: it's alright. I'll figure it out. Look.

WD: huh? What's going on?

Phillip: I tried to propose, I was caught by my mother and father and my older sister Eliza. They made Anne run off once again. I tried to do it privately, in the tent. I was rejected. She even acted out her feelings by using the ropes, representing her feelings, and sang about why we can't be married. Too similar to last time we saw my parents. This is all my fault.

WD: Want to see her? She's feeling awful about this and hasn't stopped crying.

Phillip: sure.

They go upstairs,  into their room, finding Anne staring at the wall on her bed, contenplating what happened.

Phillip: Anne?

Anne: Phillip? (Turns around, her eyes red, and has tissues by her.)

Phillip: You sure about this?

Anne: I love you more than anything, but you need to understand that society will never be happy with us being together.

Phillip: I know that. Something strange happened, by the way

Anne: what's that?

Phillip: Anne, Eliza came into my room, and told me she's forced to be racist by mother and father.  She'll respect us with anything we do, and also hates going by the rules, but should I believe her?

Anne: Heck no

Phillip: Besides, I was disowned. I'm going apartment hunting tomorrow morning. I'm living near the circus soon.

Anne: Phil?

Phillip: Annie?

Anne: I'll marry you. Your family can't stop us.

Phillip and Anne kiss, as he tucks a piece of hair by her ear and his hands on her cheeks.

Phillip: Look. One more thing.

Anne: anything

Phillip: I need somewhere to stay. It's rude to invite yourself, but I need somewhere to stay tonight. Can I spend the night here?

Anne: Of course! You can sleep here I have a pillow and sleeping bag I used to sleep in, but not much now.

Phillip: Thanks, Love.

WD comes in.

WD: You know, it'll be more confortable if you take my bed next to Anne's I'll take the sleeping bag and sleep in the living room.

Phillip: Oh no, you don't need to. Seriously.

WD: I insist.

Phillip: Thanks, man. (Pats his back and unpacks his clothes and essentials.)

WD: My pleasure.

10 minutes later, it's almost midnight, and the apartment hunting starts at 9am, so they need to be up by 7:30am.

Anne: Phillip. WD. You should get to sleep soon, guys. Apartment hunting starts soon!

WD: Yes, mommy

They all laugh.

Phillip: Thank you guys so much!

Anne and WD: no problem!

Anne brushes her teeth and puts her hair down, puts pajamas on, and as Phillip begins closing his eyes, she rubs his back and kisses his forehead.

End of chapter.

Guys! I'm really hoping you all are enjoying this! What do you guys think will happen? Do you guys like this idea of an apartment?

Guys! I'm really hoping you all are enjoying this! What do you guys think will happen? Do you guys like this idea of an apartment?

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