Chapter 6

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Puerto Rico and Spain became Phillip and Anne's favorite vacation spots. They went to a Spanish language school for a day, and learned the language quite quickly. They went to El Morro, They went swimming. On the way home from Spain, Anne fell ill with what Phillip thought was a stomach bug. She looked bloated, had morning sickness, and felt like a teenager in puberty, and hadn't had her monthly lady time in a while.

Phillip: Woah Anne, this is like the third time you've gone to the bathroom in an hour! You've been throwing up every time! Are you okay?

Anne: I feel awful.

Phillip notices her belly looks quite big and bloated. He brushes it off, thinking it's a bug, or all the traditional food she's eaten.

Phillip: I'll take you to the doctor the second we get back home to New York. I'm so glad we're already on the boat ride, although it looks like it's a stomach bug in my opinion.

Phillip picks up the phone, and calls Dr. Roberts. He says he can come in 2 hours because he doesn't have many appointments for today.

2 hours later right after getting off the boat...
Dr Roberts: Anne Wheeler Carlyle?

Phillip: Yep.

They walk in.

Dr James: Your stomach is clear, but we need to run some tests if you're this sick. I have an idea of what you may have. Were drawing blood then a pregnancy test.

Anne: I'm so not pregnant. Might I?

Phillip: Um maybe I don't know...? But I would love to have a son or daughter.

Dr Roberts runs the tests and lets Anne into the bathroom for a pregnancy test. Anne is too scared to look at the results. He gives the results to Phillip. Phillip looks shocked.

Dr Roberts (whispers): Congratulations! Your wife is pregnant.

Phillip hides his tears of happiness.

Anne: What's going on? Is it bad?

Phillip: I'll tell you tonight.

Anne: Oh come on! (Giggles)

Dr Roberts: I'm going to discharge you guys now. I have a hint: see your gynecologist as soon as possible.

Anne: Thank you doctor.

Phillip and Anne leave the office, and have dinner. Anne takes a nap while Phillip goes to his office and he makes some white paper strips to wake her up to, and makes dinner.

An hour later, Anne wakes up feeling better. She goes downstairs and Phillip shows 3 papers saying the words "Welcome to motherhood!!!" In big pink and blue letters.

Anne (crying tears of happiness, gasping): This is what you hid from me today!

Phillip: Indeed! I kept it as a surprise. Welcome to the other side! (Teasing)

Anne: Thank you! How long have I been pregnant?

Phillip: 2 months!

Anne: No way!

Phillip: we may find the gender in a month or two!

Anne: This is so exciting!

Phillip (Without his American accent): Felicidades, Mi Amor.

Anne (In American accent): Gracias. Muchas gracias. Te amo! (Kisses his cheek)

Phillip: We learned Spanish very quickly huh?

Anne: yeah! Like oh god!

Phillip: I can't wait seriously!

Authors note:

What do you guys think Anne and Phillip will have? A boy or girl?

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