Chapter 7

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Phillip has hid a secret from the whole circus, and especially Anne. He just didn't know how to spit it out without causing trouble with society and his fame. It's December, and Anne's baby's due date is nearing. It's almost Hanukkah and Christmas.

Anne: It's almost Christmas! 3 days left! We haven't bought a tree yet! (Looks at Phillip, surprised.)

Phillip: (lying) True! I'll buy it tomorrow I mean it's 8pm it's sort of late to buy a Christmas tree, and we can decorate tomorrow, because you just had your last show before maternity leave.

Anne: Um... okay. (Looks at Phillip, skeptically)

Phillip: Anne?

Anne: I'm sorry I was just thinking.

Phillip: you're looking at me like you know a secret (Giggles)

Anne: Ehh maybe except that I don't know the secret. (laughs)

After 5 minutes of awkward silence.

Phillip: Anne, yes I do have a secret, but it's something that I'm afraid will ruin my reputation if anyone besides the circus finds out. You have to accept what I'm about to tell you.

Anne: (nods). Well I'm kinda mad you've been keeping something personal from me, but you can tell me. I won't tell.

Phillip: I have a peculiarity, not really, but something that makes people hate me for no good reasons, and that's why no one knows besides my family.

Anne: Really?

In and out, Phillip, he thinks, and takes a few deep breaths.

Anne: You Okay?

Phillip: Anne, I'm also one typically pushed away by society. I'm Jewish. You're the only one who knows. I celebrate Hanukkah, not Christmas.

Anne: Why didn't you tell me?!

Phillip: I don't know, but it's scary, Anne. People hate us. Jews are blamed for everything. From the plague, to being blamed for Jesus Christ's death, to pretty much everything terrible happening in this world. Like I just hide my religion to not get involved with people's problems.

Anne: I understand it happens a lot to us blacks. I'm sorry. We'll keep it between us, okay?

Phillip: of course, sweetheart.

Anne: I have an idea (grins)

Phillip: (Looks up) what?

Anne: how about if we raise our baby Jewish, but can still celebrate Catholic holidays with us? He or She can still celebrate Jewish holidays, of course.

Phillip: YES! Why not? How did I not think of that?

Anne: I'm so glad you told me, though (winks)

End of chapter 7.

I hope you guys are enjoying my fan fic! I decided to make Phillip not fit well into society, and keeping his religious beliefs a secret. I chose Judaism because Jews have never been put down as good people, being blamed for everything, considered a superior race... treated like trash, and Phillip wouldn't want that happening to him. I also chose his religion to be Judaism because 1. Zac Efron is Jewish 2. I'm Jewish, and 3, I wanted him to stand out, despite his success.

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