Chapter 8

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"I can't believe it. People following the Jewish religion have always been treated like absolute shit since literally the beginning of history. Now Phillip even has to hide his religion if he doesn't want other religions involved in his life somehow. I'm black, and I physically stand out. (A/N: I'm making this part up) I escaped slavery with WD, right after Mama and Papa were separated from us back in the plantation in South Carolina, and joined the circus as a trapeze artist and dancer. I don't know what's worse. Being caught by our slave master, or Phillip getting executed for being a Jew. I hope our child will never be treated either ways." Anne thinks in her head, staring at the ceiling, next to Phillip the next morning. She starts crying. Phillip opens his eyes, once he hears her sobbing and her tears rolling down her cheeks.

Phillip: Anne?

Anne: I'm scared.

Phillip: Why?

Anne: I know I shouldn't be thinking like this, but knowing that you're a Jew and I'm black, we could either get killed or get sold to slavery. I'm afraid that our child may be treated like this one day once she's born.

Phillip: I'm scared of this, too. But hey, on the bright side, we have each other, and that's all that matters. Your due date is in a few weeks, and I'm sure the baby will be treated the way it should be by everybody.

Anne: You're right as long as we keep our religion a secret.

Phillip: Our?

Anne: if you're this scared about getting discovered as a Jew, I'm joining in as a Jew AND a colored negro.

Phillip: Really?

Anne: I'll observe all holidays with you. You can teach me all the Shabbat blessings, how to speak Hebrew, how holidays are celebrated....

Phillip: (laughs) I don't know much Hebrew, only a little bit aka the basics but I'll teach you the rest.

Anne: Okay. (Giggles)

Phillip: We'll get through this together.

They kiss.

Anne: let's tell the circus. That's it. No one else.

Phillip: Sure!

They walk to the circus, where everyone is waiting for rehearsals to start, which they are in 15 minutes.

Phillip and Anne: Hey everyone! (They hold hands, everyone says hi and thanks them for stopping by during maternity leave.)

Anne: Before we start, we'd like to make some announcements.

Lettie: Sounds serious!

Tom: What?

Constantine: Wow. Tell us!

Dog boy: Yeah!

Anne: First of all, my due date is coming up in 2 weeks...

Everyone cheers and Lettie and Phillip pat Anne's stomach.

Phillip: We have some other things to tell you guys, some good, some bad.

Lettie: What's up?

Phillip: Good things first. PT Barnum is coming back as ringmaster in 3 weeks, so I can help Anne while she's recovering, I'll be out for a month.

Everyone: Awesome!

Phillip: We have a secret, as well. If you tell a single person that's not associated with the circus, we're in deep trouble.

Everyone stares at them.

Anne: I have converted to Judaism, and Phillip has been all along.

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