The Perfect Alibi

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"What about this outfit?" Kyla asked Spencer and Ashley as they sat on the couch watching her try on outfit after outfit for her date with Avery.

"They all look amazing Ky. Seriously. The first one you put on was great. It's just Avery anyways, I'm sure he'll-"

"I just want tonight to be perfect. Avery is the first guy since-"

"I know I'm sorry." Ashley spoke up quickly. Honestly she was glad that Kyla was moving on from her ass of a husband, she never liked the guy. "I liked the first top with the jean skirt and those shoes." Ashley pointed to pair of sensible high heels next to Kyla.

"Oooo." Kyla cooed. "That might work. I'm going to go put it on and see how it looks. Be right back." Kyla said and grabbed the clothes and headed to the bathroom.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ashley turned and looked at Spencer. She could tell that something heavy was on Spencer's mind ever since they left the police station.

Spencer shrugged and shook her head. Ashley gave her a knowing smile as she turned to fully face the blonde, tucking her leg under the other and scooching closer.

"Spencer Carlin, you've been in your head since we left the police station. I'm here, talk to me, tell me what's going on. I can't help you if I don't know what you're thinking love." Ashley brought her right hand up and placed it on Spencer's cheek. "Tell me what's going on." She turned the blonde's head slightly to look at her.

Spencer sighed as she stared at the brunette. There was a look of worry in Ashley's eyes. Spencer hated every second of this. "I'm just worried about my brother is all. I know that Avery called him in for questioning and I'm just thinking about that... I'm sorry, I don't want to ruin your time with your sister. I can go home and let you two-"

"Don't be silly Spencer. I don't want you to go anywhere." Ashley dropped her hand from Spencer's cheek and turned to stand up from the couch. "Would it make you feel any better if I went and sat in on the conversation?" Ashley asked.

Spencer mulled over the question for a moment, not wanting to seem too eager to say yes. "You're off Ashley, I don't want you to go back in just because I'm-"

"If it will give you peace of mind Spencer, I don't mind at all." Ashley smiled and leaned down to kiss Spencer. "You know what I just realized," Ashley said as she walked around the couch to grab her bag from the counter.

"What?" Spencer turned around on the couch and watched as Ashley walked into the closet and grabbed her gun from the safe. She'd figured out the code to said safe a couple of days ago when she was snooping around Ashley's apartment. 0117. The day Ashley's older brother left for Afghanistan.

"I never asked you to officially be my girlfriend. I mean sure it's implied but I never officially asked you." Ashley holstered her gun and walked back around the couch to stand in front of Spencer. "So I'm asking you now. Spencer Carlin, will you be my girlfriend?"

Spencer couldn't help but smile at the insane cuteness of the brunette in front of her. As she smiled at the brunette who smiled brightly back at her, she realized something that she hadn't realized before.

She was no longer falling in love with the brunette. She was already there. Ashley was the most loving and kind person Spencer had ever met. And even with everything going on around her she still managed every single day to show Spencer just how special she was to her.

"I would love to." Spencer answered after a moment.

Ashley's nose crinkled as she smiled impossibly wider. The blonde's words filling her stomach with butterflies. "I'll be back soon. Tell Kyla that I left k?" Spencer nodded as Ashley bent down to kiss her lips lightly and then Ashley headed out the door.

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