Taylor Swift-My idol becomes my friend

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*Kimberly's POV*

I woke up and groaned today was the day my hero was coming to my town in concert, and I of course couldn't afford the tickets. I sat up and threw on my signiture outfit, my Taylor Swift T-shirt and jean shorts. Seeing the shirt made me a bit more sad. Taylor Swift is my hero and her music means everything to me. I had been saving up money for 2 years to see her in concert, but it hadn't mattered. I still couldn't afford the tickets. I sighed and walked outside of my bedroom. I was greeted my 16 year old sister Jennifer. "Hey Kimberly!" I just smiled and said "Hey kid!" and laughed because I knew that drove her nuts "I"M ONLY A YEAR YOUNGER THAN YOU!!!" I smiled and we both laughed. "Nice shirt" she said with a smile, and I couldn't help but frown. Jennifer's face fell and she said "Crap! I forgot! It's today isn't it?" I just nodded ans she said "Why don't we go to the mall! I won't even rush you in the book store! It will help get your mind off it" I smiled and said "Sounds great!! Thanks Jennifer!" She smiled at me, and we raced each other to the car. We both laughed at our immuturity. As I was driving, My all time favorite song came on the radio! I didn't even have to aske Jennifer to turn it up, because she just grinned and turned up the volume all the way. A huge bus was parked by where I usually try to park, so I parked a few spots away from it, kept the windows rolled down, and screamed out the lyrics at the top of my lungs "WHY CAN"T YOU SEE? YOU BELONG WITH ME!" Jennifer was choking on her laughter, and recovered enough to shake her head at me, and say "you're such a dork!" I just smiled and finished singing along. It was only then when I realized that it had started pouring rain. I grinned and Jennifer screamed "yes!!!" I locked the car, and threw my hands into the air as I was pounded with rain and screamed/sang "There's something about the way the street looks when it's just rained!!!" As I skipped past the bus, I could hear laughing, and it looked like someone was filming me through an open window. I just smiled and waved and continued "There's a glow off the pavement You walk me to the car And you know I wanna ask you to dance right thereIn the middle of the parking lot Yeah" I decided that if the people in the bus were filming me, I might as well give them a show, so as I sang that song I randomly started dancing. Then it suddenly stopped raining ."Awwww" I said Jennifer just laughed at me and said "And I thought you were a big dork before.." And then I started to sing normally "Someday I'll be living in a big Ol' City and all you're ever gonna be is mean!" Jennifer jsut smiled She always told me I was an amazing singer, but I couldn't believe her. It's something I really loved to do, but not in front of people for real. That was when my phone started ringing I opened it, and it was a text from twitter "TAYLOR TWEETED!!" I screamed and Jennifer elbowed me and said "You embarass me." I smiled and said "Then I'm doing my job!" We both laughed, and I opened twitter, I looked at the tweet and turned green. Jennifer looked at me questioningly. I just handed her my phone, and she looked at it and her eyes widened in shock. "@Taylorswift13 Haha best cover ever! Think I'll have to say hi!" and there was a video attached  to it. The video was me singing and dancing in the rain. "HOLY CRAP!" Jennifer looked at me with wide eyes. I just nodded mutely as someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and almost passed out. "You're.. You're Taylor... Swift..." and I started crying. She hugged me and said "aww don't cry!! I hope you don't mind I posted the video" I just shook my head and she smiled at me. "Did you know even know we were in the bus?" I just shook my head and Jennifer smirked and said "She does that everytime it rains, and well whenever she's hyper" Taylor just laughed and said "that's so cute!" I couldn't talk. I was just so overwhelmed. Taylor seemed to realize that, and she turned to Jennifer and said "Are you two going to the show tonight, because I'm sure my mom would love to give you T-Party!"

*Taylor's POV*

I was waiting in the mall parking lot in my bus with Liz and Caitlyn. It started pouring so we just decided to wait it out. A car pulled a few spaces from our bus, and oddly enough they rolled their windows down. Then all of a sudden I could hear "You Belong With Me" blasting through the screen door of the bus. I couldn't help but smile. It still blew my mind when people would spend 4 minutes of their life on me in any way. Caitlyn and Liz both laughed and I joined in. We loved it when that happened, and we started dancing and singing along. That's when I realized that the driver was singing along too. I looked at her. She had really long brown curly hair and was dancing in her seat she still had to still be in high school. She was so adorable. She only seemed to realize that it was raining had ended. She grinned, and rolled up the windows and got out. Her sister got out and rolled her eyes. Then she threw her arms up in the air and started screaming the words to Feraless. All of us started laughing and Caitylyn said "And here I thought we were the only people who did that!!" I laughed amd said "Vlog time?!" Caitlyn and Liz both nodded, and I pulled out my camera. I turned it on, and hit the record button. "Hi! This is Taylor, Caitlyn, and Liz, and we just came accross the best cover of Fearless ever!!" We all laughed and Liz added "And we just found out we're not the only people who do this for fun!" We all laghed, and I cracked the window a bit, and filmed the girl. I stopped filming when she finished, and played it back. "That's so cute!" Liz said I smiled and agreed Caitlyn just started laughing and said "You might want to go say hi Taylor..." I had already planned on it, but then I realized she was pointing at something. I looked at the video, and realized she was wearing one of my tour shirts!!! I smiled and said just one second! And I opened my laptop, and uploaded the video and posted it to twitter. Then I walked off the bus, and decided to sneak up on the girl. I was almost right behind her when She screamed "TAYLOR TWEETED!" I had to back up a bit and try not to laugh. This girl was adorable! She opened it, and I could hear her watching the video. I smiled, but then my face dropped just as quickly. She turned green. "OH no" I whispered to myself. It never occured to me that she would be self-councious. The other girl looked concerned, and my obvious fan, just handed her, her phone. The girl looked at it, and watched the video and screamed "HOLY CRAP!!" I smiled, and decided to show myself now. I moved in closer and tapped on my fan's shoulder she jumped, and turned around. She turned pale really quickly and stammered "You're.. You're Taylor... Swift" and she started crying it was adorable! I pulled her into a hug and told her "Aw don't cry!! I hope you don't mind I posted the video" This girl is so adorable!! And I smiled as I noticed the shirt she was wearing was one of the first I ever put out, even before the Fearless tour. She just shook her head. It's so cute when my fans get so nervous. She started fiddling with her purple Speak Now bracelet, So I asked her the question I had been dying to ask  "Did you even know we were in the bus?" I was really hoping the answer was no, because that would honestly make it cuter. She just shook her head, and the other girl smirked and said "She does that anytime it rains... or when she's hyper." I laughed and couldn't help but say "That's so cute!!!" When I said that, it looked like the girl was going to cry, I kind of realized that she probably couldn't answer, so I directed my question at the other girl. "Are you two going to the show tonight, because I'm sure my mom would love to give you T-Party!" To my surprise. My fan's face fell, and she started crying again. WHAT DID I DO? the other girl just patted her on the back and said "We weren't able to afford tickets, and Kimberly was really upset about it." Awww crap, and I probably made it worse. but then I got an idea "Well I guess you'll just have to come as my guests then!! I mean you already gave me a concert, so it's only fair!" I couldn't surpress my grin. My fan, who I now know is Kimberly's eyes lit up "Really? You'd really do that for me?" "Of course honey! I love you!" And she pulled me in for a hug. "Thank you so much!!" I hugged her back and wiped her eyes "It's my pleasure, and I realize I've been rude. Hi my name's Taylor! Nice to meet you!" Kimberly laughed and stuck out her hand "I'm Kimberly, and this is my sister Jennifer." I ignored her hand and pulled her in for a hug. "Hugs are better than handshakes!!" She smiled and said "The world would be a better place if people hugged more!!" Awww I couldn't believe she remembered that!! "So true! Whoever said that is a genius!!" Kimberly laughed to the point of tears and said "She definately is!" Her sister, Jennifer was just standing there awkwardly and ran her fingers through her straight blonde hair. I just smiled and pulled her into a hug too. When I did , she said "Thank you so much. You really don't know how much this means to Kimberly! You inspire her so much!" "Awwww" I said Kimberly just nodded shyly, and looked at Jennifer gratefully. I loved seeing siblings who got along so well!! It realy made me miss Austin though. "Well I have some friends on the bus! Would you want to meet Liz and Caitlyn?!" Kimberly's eyes lit up, but Jennifer looked confused. "Who is Caitlyn?" Kimberlylet out an exsasperated sigh and said "Caitlyn is the red-haired violin player!" Jennifer tried to look like she knew who she was, but Kimberly saw through it. "Eunice!!" Kimberly nearly screamed. "Oh!!!!!! I love her!!" Jennifer squealed!" I couldn't help but laugh at the exchange. "Wait. What about my car?" Kimberly asked I thought for a minute. "Well I can have one of my crew members come and pick it up for you, because we have to get going and you can't miss soundcheck!!" Kimberly smiled so big, and that made my day. It made me happy to be able to make people smile. Jennifer glanced at Kimberly's soaked clothes and said "Don't you have a change of clothes in there? From when we went camping?" Kimberly nodded and said "Yeah! I do!! Thanks! being in soaked clothes isn't exactly comfortable." Sh looked at me with a smirk and said "You would know! Guess I should've said no" I smiled and said "I guess so" And we all started laughing. I could tell this was going to be a great day.

Taylor Swift-My idol becomes my friend (Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now