Chapter 11 - Isabella Wait!

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( Phineas POV)

So I just found out that Izzy has had a crush on me, and I'm seriously freaking out here... Okay, Phineas take you together.. Listen it's like 4-5 years since we were in Paris maybe she doesn't feel this way now... But if she do that makes me the biggest jerk in the whole world..

I ran away from young us, and did my best to find Ferb, I had to tell him right? He said he would be at the Eiffel Tower. But I didn't even take one step before same white and bright light as before came back... I knew what it meant.

As I opened my eyes again, I wasn't in Paris anymore, I was in Spain. And Isabella stood right in front of me, Ferb stood beside me, my heart was beatting like never before. I saw who Izzy almost cried, she knew that knew. She took her helmet off and so did we.

" S-s-so Izzy there is something I need to tell you..." Wow I'm SO nervous!

Isabella held up her hand and stopped me "I know what you're are going say Phin, and yes all you saw and what you think it's true..." A tear dropped from her cheek.

"Isabella don't cry, I think you two need to talk about this." Ferb said and pushed me closer to her. Wow gee thanks brother..

Ferb whispered to me "She has been waiting a long time to say this so listen!" I nodded, and Isabella and I took a seat on a bench. 

Ferb walked away, and she took a deep breath. " It started when we first moved to Danville, you were the first boy who talk to me and invited me to be part of all you amazing inventions." She looked on a flower which was right in front of her. I looked at her, and made a face, that told her to keep going.

" Everyday from that day on.  All I wanted to do was to be with you, I couldn't stop thinking about you, even that song I sang to the pajamas party was about you."

I remembered the song, and it make sense now, " Isabella you are my best friend, and you know how much you mean to me, why haven't you told me before." I turned her face toward me so I could look her in the eyes.

"Trust me I have tried, I have written you a letter and tried do my best to make it obvious, everybody knew about my crush on you... Well except you."

I couldn't believe it, did everybody know! So she had liked me for years, and I didn't know.. I felt so bad for her so when we played truth or dare, I was the boy she was in love with?

" Is-isabella I-I really have no idea how to react, cause I had never thought that you would like me?"

" So you have never thought of us as a couple? You had never thought of me like that?"Isabella was so close to break down, I could hear it in her voice. I had never thought of her like that, I haven't thought of anybody like that I had always been so busy with my inventions.

" No I'm afraid i haven't.. I'm so sorry Izzy but if you give me..." I didn't say anymore cause Isabella stopped me again. " It's fine Phineas, forget it, but you need to give some space." She said and then she ran away while she cried...

" Isabella wait!"

Oh my god what have I done.. I just broke my best friend's heart...

( Isabella's POV)

I ran, I had to, I mean I couldn't just stand there hearing that he didn't like, me like that. Why... Why wasn't I good enough? Maybe I should run away, or home. Cause right now I don't wanna speak to any Flynn-Fletcher family member.

I ran and ran and I actually didn't see where I was going... Bum!.. auch who did I ran into? " Sorry I didn't see you!" I apologized and then I looked up, Marco!? Yeah it was Marco.

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