Chapter 31 - I'm embarrassed!

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(Phineas's POV)

I have him, he's done.. I'm stronger than him right now,

" It's over Marco! Give up." He can't move, I'm holding him tight, Ferb comes running a few seconds after. " I have called the police 10 minutes ago, they should be here now, so we can show them our little homevideo." Ferb smirked and helped me holding Marco.

" Good, where's Isabella?" I asked filled with worry. I don't like the thought of her being alone. " She's fine, Phineas. She went of to the ladies room, she needs sometime to breath."

I nooded, of course she did, after everything we've been through, mostly her. " Ok, what are we gonna do with him?" I ask and squeezed him harder. Suddenly we saw the blue and red lights 20m away from us. The cops finally! " Over here!" Ferb and I shouted to them.

Two cops ran over to us, " What going on here?" One of the cops ask with a spanish accént. I starred angry at Marco who still tried to get up looked angry as well. " This young man tried to rape a girl last night and we have proof." Ferb said and opened the camera.

One of the cops looked more shocked then the other, and it was then we noticed the sherifstar on his shirt. Marco's uncle.

" It's not what you think uncle." Marco tried to convince him and make an angelface. But it didn't fool any of us. When the video ended, the sherif look very angry but mostsly disappointed. I guees they had a pretty close relationship.

" I-I can't tell you how sorry I am.. I thought he finally was getting better after all these years." The sherif said and grabbed Marco's shirt roughly. Wait what? What did he mean by getting better? " Eh.. What do you mean by that?" I said and crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow.

Marco suddenly turned very scared and begged without saying anything to his uncle not to say anything. But the sherif was too disappointet to even look at him. 

"He has been sick most of his life, a physcalogical disorder. He all obsessed with revenge, it's a rare disease.... I thought it got better since he visited Danville the last time... But I guess not... It's probaly because his mother my sister left us for another family. We were all heart broken but especially Marco never got over it. We had him in the hospital for almost 2 years..."

" Stop it uncle don't tell them my whole life story.. " Marco tried to escape, but failed.

" No Marco, listen son... they deserve to know.. You're probaly not even has taken your medicin for the last months?" The sherif asked. Marco shooked his head, and smirked evil.

" I should have known, you were my responsibility.. But now you're going back to the hospital until you're better. I'm sorry son but you're not save to other people or yourself, it was a mistake to take you home in first place." The sherif said sadly, and gave Marco over to the other cop. " Take him to station, I'll be there soon." The other cop nodded and after a few seconds they were gone. He was finallly gone, finally!

" I'm sorry boys and I feel soory for your friend to, I promise Marco won't be a problem again. He's gonna get some help." Then the sherif left without another word.

He was sick!.. That explains a lot... It doesn't make it right of course, but now we know why. He reacted like this. I looked at Ferb who make a sign with his head to go inside. Probaly to find Isabella she must be so broken .

I nodded and ran into the dance again. Finally I reached the bathrooms but I felt a little awkward walking into the girls-bathroom. But again I'll do anything to make sure Isabella was okay.

" Isabella? Isabella ? Are you here?" I shouted worried, I heard nothing for like 1 mintue and was about to leave again. Then I suddenly heard someone cry, and I knew excatly who it was. Isabella. " Izzy I know it's you please talk to me." I need her, I need her to talk to me about all this, and she needs it.

" P-Phineas?" Isabella sobbed. Breaking my heart.

" Yeah yeah I'm right here, please come out." 

" I can't believe how stupid I was Phineas... I just need to realize it, boys don't want me, well... apparently only for revenge.. " And right then, she opened the door and walked out, she tried to walk away from me, but I took her hand and turned her around so we were standing face to face. I could literally feel her breath. I hugged her so tight. I didn't want to let go.

( Isabella's POV)

He hugs me, and my brain tell scream to me to push him away, but my heart.. Want to stay in his arms forever, I feel so safe when he hugs me. But a part of my thinks he might gonna hurt you again, even it wasn't on purpose.

It's like times stop, everything is frozen, I rests my head on his cheast and I feel in moving slowly. "Just a little bit longer" my heart said, but I had to listen to my brain. I let go of the hug, and clearly it makes Phineas a little disappointed. 

"Listen Phineas I know you're just try to be kind and friendly to me and I know what I said about the 'I'm so done with you' thing and I hope you know that I didn't mean it and thanks for saving me, but I can't.. I just can't handle this situation with you.. When I still have feelin.. Nevermind." I tried to get out of the bathroom, and avoid Phineas's eyes.. Those gorgeous eyes.

But Phineas blocked my way, he wants to talk. " Izzy please talk to me.. You're in a lot of pain right now, let me help you. Please." Don't look at those puppy eyes Isabella don't. But of course I couldn't help myself.

" Phineas don't you get it! I'm embarrassed! I finally told the boy I liked for years how I felt and he didn't felt it back, then the same night I'm going on a 'date' with someone who only wanted to rape me! " I was true! All of it, no one wants me, and I have to live with it. But at least I have good friends. Maybe I was meant to stay single the rest of my life.

" Isabella... There's something I been realized the last two days... Maybe actually for a while now but I couldn't figure out what it meant, but n-now I think.. Our actually I know.. And I need to say it, cause I haven't been thinking about anthing but it, for a while... But I.."

I know what he's going to say so I can as well say for him

" I know what you are gonna say.."

He looked shoked and raised his eyebrow, " You do?" Then he smiled and looked so relieved.. Why?

" Yeah you still wanna be friends even through what had happen, and it's fine... I understand, but please do me a favor don't say anymore.. I will take a looong time to get over you... so I need some space.

Phineas face went from smilling to completly frozen.. Did I say something wrong?

" Wait what?

( Hey guys Elena here back with another chapter.. So Marco is finally gone forever.. But maybe is Phinabella to? Will they work it out or is their love lost? Find out in next chapter. Please vote and comment if you like this story. See ya and love ya.. Bye bye<33)

- Elena

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