Chapter 28 - My cousin's cousin's mom's friend's son

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(Phineas's POV)

" Nah.. You just seem so familiar. Do you have family in America? Maybe a town called Danville?" I froze, that was a very specific question. Oh God did she know? Please no! Answer.. Answer.

" Eh.. Well.. You sorta can say that I have.." Argh.. Make something up now.

" Umn my cousin's cousin's mom's friend has a boy who lives there actually two. And I'm very good friends with him." Whoa.. Can I even say that again? I don't blame her for making a weird face. " Oh.. Ookaay.. It's funny that everybody has some kind of relation to Danville. I'm from Danville too.. Hey, what's your friend's name maybe I know him?" She was curious like always, that is one of the things I love about her. Always wants the answers, and always wants to know the people she meets.

Think Phineas think. A boy in Danville.. She knew everyone in Danville... So I just said, believe it or not. " Phineas... Uhh, his name is Phineas Flynn." No no no I didn't just say that. Crap..

She stopped dancing, her body couldn't move, he her eyes suddenly got angry. Oh oh.

" Sorry.. But never say that name again, please.. It's just.. I just found out something awful." It looked like she was about to cry. Oh no what had Marco told her? Maybe about last night? Oh no, if he told her it's a lie, we all know that. Right?

" Shh.. Isabella.. Let me dance with you first. Don't think about it, we can talk after." She needed at least 3 minutes full of happiness. And I would be the one to give it to her. And then after she could tell me what she knows.

She nodded and took her head into my chest, we started to dance slowly again.

As we danced, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened the last couple of days

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As we danced, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened the last couple of days. I mean when we met Marco it only took him.. 1 freaking day to almost rape her. How crazy is he? And after that, he drugged her so she can't remember. And now I'm the bad guy. All because I couldn't say the words to her. 3 words 8 letters, if I said it she could have been mine.

 3 words 8 letters, if I said it she could have been mine

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We danced the best we could, and weirdly it was like we were the only people in the room, around us were thousands of stars, and Isabella's eyes shined as well I could look in them all day

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We danced the best we could, and weirdly it was like we were the only people in the room, around us were thousands of stars, and Isabella's eyes shined as well I could look in them all day. She enjoyed it, she needed it, she felt safe... And something more but I couldn't tell. But what it was she was happy. And that made me happy, seeing the girl next door smile as never before.

" Jack.." She whispered. My body got electric as she said my 'fake' name.

" Thank you... You have no idea what I been through, and you dancing with me, feels good. And even though we just met, it feels like I know you." Her words almost melted my heart. She was so sweet, no wonder everybody worshipped her.

( Isabella's POV)

Wow, I can't believe that I already feel so close to Jack, and it's funny because I normally don't feel this connection to somebody I have known for 5 minutes. Literally 5 minutes.

He spun me around and I felt so happy for once. And it was like I forgot about everything, What Marco had said, Phineas finding out about my feelings, and everything else bad. It was just him and me. It was like no one else was in the room, I couldn't stop smiling. And sometimes I caught him staring in my eyes, which meant I stared in his eyes too. But it was nice.

The band who played the song, was slowly ending it, they were really good. And it was sad the song already ended, I wanted to keep dancing. Especially because that song playing is amazing.

" Okay okay Everybody..." The singer said with his accént. " We're gonna take a little break be back in 2  minutes." We clapped, to show them how much we liked them.

" So Isabella, tell me a little about your self, you got two minutes, cause I need another dance, if you don't mind." His voice was actually really sweet, and on a weird way it seemed familiar. I giggled of course I wanted to dance with him again. Okay 2 minutes and I have to give him a life-update.

" Okay... So I moved from Mexico to Danville when I was 5 with my mom... And then I came over every day to be with my best friends.. I was so in love with my best friend so long story short he never noticed me and I tried for so long.. But I'm done with him now.. At least I think I am.." Why did I said the last detail? We were still stranger and I gave him details about my love life.. Okay I never had a love life, but still.

Jack's face suddenly turned sad, like when you feel guilty of something, your eyes searching for something to look at insteat of my eyes, and your forehead get's sweaty... Hmm wonder why.

( Candace's POV)

Ohh.. They cute lovebirds, I'm watching Isabella and Phineas from across the room, I'm actually a little insulted no one had ask me to dance..Grr.. Well whatever!

The band is just taking a break.. Hmm I have an idea.. They obviously need my help to get closer.. As I can see from here it's a little awkward.. Maybe and just maybe a little song could help them? I'm looking at Ferb who stands 15m away from me.. He watch them to, I'm sure he'll agree with me.

( Ferb's POV)

Oh oh.. Looks like Phineas is in a little trouble.. What can we do? I can't let my brother down, or my best friend the both mean the world to me. Besides they never let me down before. So I'm gonna help the best I can.. Hmm, Marco! Where is he?

 Hmm.. He's probaly out and doing something evil, I'll keep an eye on him, then Candace can distract them.. I look at my big sis, lucikly she looks at my way to. We made a lot of signs, I mean A LOT of signs. We nodded with our head, waved with our fingers.. It probaly look so lame. But we didn't care, the only thing that mattered was to get Isabella and Phineas together. After about 100 signs Candace and I finally agreed to our plan.. I think.

( Candace POV)

Ookaay.. I think Ferb and I finally agreed.. Or at least I hope so. Okay I think the bands break is over! And if it's not then it's now. I stormed confidently up on the stage, at first nobody noticed me, cause it was light in the room, but soon it turned dark and a spotlight shined on me. Awkward.. Phineas is so gonna thank me later. Luckily nobody regonize me.. The front singer whisper to me " Ehh.. Excuse me what are you doing señorita? " What did it look like I was doing? I was obviously saving my brothers love life, and future girlfriend. Duuh.. " Just let me sing a song! It for a love mission please." I made the familiar Flynn-Fletcher puppy eyes. And of course it worked, you're talking to a pro begger. They nodded maybe a little annoyed. But at least they did. I whispered the song to them and this time they nodded more happy this time. I push the microphone a couple off times to make attention.

" Eh.. Hola.. My name is.. Casandra and I'm gonna sing a little song for you, if you don't mind.. It's a classic song called.."

( Hey guys Elena back with another chapter.. Hope you'll enjoy. Please comment and vote if you wanna make me super happy:) Which song do you think Candace will sing? Find out in next chapter. See ya and love ya. Bye bye<33)

- Elena

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