Chapter 33 - The plan

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( Phineas's POV)

This kiss felt like it lasted for hours, but it really took about 15 seconds. And I was the one who broke the kiss. We opened our eyes, at the same time. And right there.. Right there it was like we realized what just happened... We stood up normally again and just looked at each other. I smiled, Isabella was so shocked, but she smiled anyway.. Actually, the prettiest smile I've seen.

Okay, Phineas! It's time to say how you feel. She's been waiting for years, so say it...!

" Isabella.. There's is something I need to tell you.."

She began to blush and smiled more. " Yeah, Phin?"

Her calling me Phin, made my body fill up with butterflies, okay it's now or never!


Both of us froze, her face turned from happy to disappointed at that moment. But when I was about to tell how I felt, I realized that since she had been waiting for me to say it for so long, it should be something special. I have to go, I thought. I'm gonna do this in the most romantic and special way ever. In Phineas Flynn style. I have to start now.
" I'm sorry Izzy but I gotta go, Candace will take you home. See ya tomorrow.." Then I ran away.
" Phineas! Don't you leave me!" She shouted sad and disappointed. I'm sorry Isabella, I thought. Then I was gone and started planning. She has no idea what I'm gonna do. I gotta text Ferb, after all, he was my partner and my best friend and he's always there for me.

( Isabella's POV)

Urgh.. Phineas Flynn is the most confusing boy I ever met. Grr.. First, he gives me the greatest and most romantic first kiss. And then when he's about to tell me something. And I know it was something important, so why would he just run away? D- Did he regret the kiss? Was I a bad kisser? No.. Don't think about it! Just.. Find Candace and go back to the hotel, wait if Phineas and Candace are here, then Ferb is here too.

This evening was definitely one on my top 10 weirdest and crazy nights ever! Okay, I never made a list but if I did this would be on the top.

If I know Candace right? And I think I do she's hiding somewhere near, probably listening in the corner. Well, she probably just as disappointet as me. At least we're two. " Candace... Where are you?!" I shouted. I took my phone and called Ferb first.

Ferb: Hello.

Isabella: Yeah Ferb.. I know you are here, like your 2 other siblings. Please meet me.

I felt a single tear ran down of my face.

Ferb: Ehh.. Fine. I'll meet you at the frontdoor. Are you okay?

Isabella: Don't wanna talk about it, too confused. I'll meet you in 2 minutes, bye.

Ferb: .... Fine see ya.

Then I ended the call. I don't know where Candace is! I don't know where or why Phineas disappeared. I feel like I don't know anything in the world. Why! Why Phineas? Why would you just leave me? This confused. I can't take it. I need answers. And I need it now.

As I walked up to the door. Thinking about this crazy, confusing and magical night. I noticed a big plant.. With.. With an orange top? Was it hair? Wait plants doesn't have hair! They doesn't have orange hair. Candace? Seriously Candace.

I went behind her, she didn't noticed me, yeah it most be a family thing being oblivious. She was so busy trying to keep an eye on me, that she actually didn't see me. " Ehm.. Candace? What'ca doin?"

Geez I think I almost gave her a heart-attack, cause she jumped so high that the big plant almost fell over her...  She got up awkvadly" Ehm hey Isabella.. No-nothing I'm just cheking if this plant needs water... Uh look it does, well we should go now. Ferb's probaly waiting." Candace took my hand and we went together to the front door.

" Did you listen to my conversation with Ferb? And did.. Did you see what happened with Phineas?" I ask suspiciously and crossed my arms.

" Pff.. What.. No.." Candace said with a really high voice as she does everytime she's lying or is nervous. I send the ' you're lying' look. And I knew I could break her. In 3-2-1.

" Okay fine.. I might have heard a word or two, and maybe seen your kiss with my little brother." Aha I knew it. " I knew it, then you must have seen how he just left me." I said and looked down sad. She nodded.

" I did, but I seriously don't know why. But I promise to talk to him."

Ferb joined us seconds later and we went home, it's was weird sitting in the taxi, there was no talking. We all just thought about this night. Marco is gone, and my world has changed, I never thought that somebody would do that to anybody. It's awfull, and the worst part is that I thought he was my friend but I was so wrong.

All I wanna do know is just go to bed.. And sleep for a thousands hours. I just wanna let all of it go... So I closed my eyes, and the next thing I remember is Ferb carry me into my room, and me rushing into the bathroom to change to more comfortable clothes. And then brush me teeth. Candace did the same thing, but she wasn't nearly as tired as me. But I went to bed, and tried to sleep, but this night haunted me. In a good and bad way, it was the most amazing kiss ever. And it was Phineas himself who kissed me. But he also left me confused. But one thing I was really happy about was that Marco is gone and he never would be able to hurt me or someone else again... Aaaand goodnight Isabella.

( Phineas's POV)

Great, Ferb just texted, Isabella is in her room and he is on his way, this plan I'm making is gonna be huge. I wanna do this right. I just hope that Isabella isn't to angry with me. Cause tommorow is gonna be a day we'll never forget. Hopefully. And I have to start right now.

( Hey guys Elena back here with another chapter.. Sorry for the short chapter, but what do you think will happen? What is Phineas's big plan? Find out in next chapter, and please leave a vote and a comment if you like this story. See ya in next chapter bye bye<33)

- Elena

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