2.My moon~.

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Arthit ronjoparth was a well known mafia leader and a businessman since young. Well younger then most people. He always get what he want. Never have he ever wanted someone this desperately the way he wanted his moon.

And we all know when the sun and the moon come together it results in a eclipse that darkenes the world.

So what would happen when sun never want to let his moon go? Well we are going to find out (A/N BUhhhhbuhhh 😏😬)

He saw his moon when he was over sea on a business trip for one of his companies. His moon was so handsome but that's not what attracted arthit to him. The thing that was most attractive about his moon was his attitude and smile just one look and he was whipped.

His moon name is kongpob sutilucka. He knows everything about him well general information anyway. One of them is he always like to drink ice coffee in the same shop.

That cafe is owned by arthit so he knows everything about it. Like what goes on inside of it.😎

So the routine started he would go to the shop drink his favourite pink milk and look at his moon form the corner of the room. He never approached him in fear [and yeah don't u dare laugh or i will shoot you with my gun.] That kongpob will not like what arthit is .. (A/N..he was wearing black glasses so kong never find out he was looked at too but arthit knows kong look at him ok but as i said was afraid lol)

Arthit had a meeting in one of his clubs so he was not able to go to the cafe but his lucky star shined on him or someone was making fun of him either way the deal which was to be made was delayed and he was seriously ready to kill someone. When he saw his moon enter through his club doors .

And it look like his moon is coming towards him damit. What should he to do arthit though almost panicking. Even thought he look calm too calm from the out side after all he had an image to maintain.

Arthit look away from his moon to the guy whome he was supposed  to make a deal with.

"Mr. Ronjoparth I'm very thankful for your time may we have a good partnership" Mr.jhon said with a smile.

Arthit knows he is faking it. Mr.jhon is one of his rising companies CEO. Arthit finds it amusing that people can get so low for little bit of money. (A/N i find it amusing too😜😎)

"I'm not your partner Mr.jhon i own the company you work in" Arthit smirk and explain to Mr.jhon.

"Absolutely Mr.Ronjoparth" Mr.jhon exclaim in a fake laugh.

Arthit look towards the way he saw his moon but he was nowhere to be found where did his moon go he thought? He almost got up to look for him. He see his moon getting huge by other guy. He was boiling in jealously. Just as he take a position to get up. He here a loud scream.

Arthit look towards the way the voice came from. It was just his stupid friend bright. Who is shouting his name while looking drunk off his ass.

"AI'OON.... AI'OON. ..." bright shout his name with a happy smile on his face.

"Shit" Arthit mumbled and look the other way and repeat in his head again and again that he don't know a being know as bright. But luck was not on his side.

As an arm came from behind arthit or the one who is called oon... and landed on his shoulders...

"Ai'oon my friend why did you not come to meet your best friend after graduation?" Bright almost make arthit deaf with his voice ringing  in his ears.

"Get lost bright and don't call me oon " Arthit yell at bright while growing at him .

"Mr.Ronjoparth Its better, I  should take my leave now. I will sent the details and documents to your office. Thank you for joining our company and gaving use this opportunity." Mr.jhon blow and left the two alone or almost stared to run but who want to know about him...

"Bright keep that hand to yourself or you will only have one left and i know you are not drunk. What do you want?" Arthit growl at him.

"Aww AI'OON how did you find out and well i just miss you can't I miss my best friend?" Bright exclaim joyful or playful take it as you want to.

Bright is one of his best man he help in maintaining the business of his clubs all around the place. And tactically one of his best friend but arthit would rather shoot someone then to admit that. They are friends since childhood but if anyone ask arthit he would denie that he even know the guy because we all know why bright is after all to bright in his own way.and one thing is to be noted is bright don't drink when he is working that's way arthit knows bright was not drunk! Because if he drink on work arthit won't let it slide easily after all he have an image to up hold. ..
(A/N Damit its so long my fingers hurt😢)

"Best friend my foot i will say it this once if you make me repeat again there won't be you left to here it! What do you want?" Arthit said smugly.

"Dame you are blood trusty as ever AI'oon anywhy you are right some of the small fries are stucking there noes where they don't belong i could have handled it my self but the guy don't get the meaning of no and he has joined forces with the other parties leader what do you say i should do ? " Bright explain in flat serious voice.(A/N i bust out laughing after writing this 😂)

"I see i will take care of it personally they need to learn not to mess with what is mine" Arthit said with a smirk...


958 words i died my soul is leaving me someone save me 😱.
On that notice here is the next chapter hope you like it 😉😘 ❤💕and save my poor soul from leaving me now that i look its saying that with this A/N i have reached the word up to 1085😲😲😲😲😨😱😱😱😵😖

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