Ch 4

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Pov jeff

jane has been acting really weird now that she meet jazz its like she out to get her its been three weeks now but jane is just watching jazz every move I dont like this "hey jazz wanna go play a game in bens room?" I asked man I hope she say yes me and her have gotten close I think of her as my sister now she nodded as we ran to ben room.

(knock knock)

I knocked on the door waiting for ben to open it 2 minutes passed before he open the door "hey jeff and jazz" ben said as he moved out the way so we could come in jazz sit on the bed I pulled ben out the room and shut the door "what's up man?" he asked I looked at him then down the hall "I think jane is trying to hurt jazz" I said loud enough so he could hear me.

"you finally got it jeff" a voice said i turn to see jane holding a knife "ben go get slenderman and tell him ok" I said as ben ran to slendy room it was just me and jane I was standing in front of ben door.

"your not getting pass this door with out a fight" I said she looked at me a nodded we start to fight jane kicks me in the stomach the pushes me to the wall as she was about to open the door I pick her up and there her to the end of the hall.

Pov jazz


I hear from outside the door is ben and jeff fighting I was about to open the door when I haered a tap on the Window it was slender and ben open the Window and climbed out "what is it?" I asked they look at me for a sec think who should tell her "umm dove jane is trying to kill you but jeff is in there fight her so come we must leave till it over" slendy said.

I shake my head "no she wants a fight with me she'll get one" I said walking back to the house 'hey dad I know you listening look im not leaving jeff in there to fight for me or die so im going fight jane myself I promise to come back with 4 cuts' I thought to myself.

as I walk into the house to the kitchen I grab a knife good the jeff showed me how to use it right."JANE I HAERED YOU WANNA FIGHT SO COME A GET ME!" I yelled thorght the house when she came in front of me.

"hello jazz"she said as she walk close to me the she lashed her kinfe at me 'thats one cut three more to go' I thought to myself " I thought you wanted to fight?" I asked she looked at me "oh I do wanna fight" she said I looked at her and smiled "then lets fight" I said as I lashed at her cutting her deep in her stomach. she groan in pain we keep lashing at each other till I had 6 cuts I dropped me kinfe a ran upstairs to get my bow and arrow.

when I got to me room I grabbed my bow and one arrow ill only need one cause I dont shot to miss I walk out my room I heared a groan I looked down to see jeff he was badly hurt thats it the hunt is on.

"jane come out , out where ever you are its funny how you were hunting me now im trying to kill you" I said as I walked thorght the house she was badly hurt I didnt care she hurt my brother then i can hear her breathing she was in her room I kick the door open and she was gone the Window was open I walk over to see her ranning to the woods "GO JOIN ZALGO!!!" I yelled as she ran.

I went back to jeff and helped him up we walk back outside when we got out there I could see sally crying

Pov Ben

I was holding sally trying to clam her down telling her jazz was going to be ok but all she dud was cry slender had went to get his borthers all of them when he was back with them jazz and jeff were coming out "sally look its jazz" I said she jumped of me and hugged them both jazz hugged her back .

'slenderman are you there if you are I have to ask you something' I thought

'what is it ben?' he asked

' I know its only been three weeks but I wanna get your permission to ask jazz on a date' I thought to him he didnt reply he walk up to me and nodded I got up and walk over to jazz.

"hey Be-" I cut her off with my lips yes I kissed jazz it took a few moments for her to kiss me back as we pulled away "jazz would you like to go on a date with me?" I asked.

"OMG YES BEN!" she yelled I held her hand all day.

"hey jazz you said 4 cuts you have six" slenderman said as he worked on jeff bad cut jazz said 'sorry ' as me, jazz, and sally went to talk to her uncles and the rest of creepypasta.


tell me what you think about this part I think I did bad on the fighting so tell me what you think ok.
wanna give a thank you to @mc_fan_1

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