CH 16

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Jazz pov

"Wake up jazz you leaving to day" Ben said to me as I lay next to him I don't wanna leave "WAIT WHAT IM LEAVING!!" I yell BEN nodded slender man walked in with my bag packed "come on my child" he said I looked up at him as I got out of bed I hugged Ben one last time "lovypu ben" I said as i walked out the room with slenderman.

"Where are we going?" I said as I walked with him "to a old friends house" he said as we walk throught thwe woods I see a person it was Jane I stop and look at her she looked as she run towards me I pulled outhw kinfe give me before I left "bring it bitch!" I yelled running to her she raise her knife I raise mine but was stop by slenderman and she was stop as well "no killing our guest Jane" a deep voice said.

"Zalgo" my dad said to the made "can we talk you girls go inside" he said I nodded as me and Jane walk inside there was two girls waiting the for us "hello I'm Kate you?" One girl said she seemed nice "jazz" I said the other looked me up and down and walked away "who's miss.Gurmpy?" I asked making Jane and Kate laugh "who is she?" I asked one more time.

"You'll meet her later ahah" Jane said as she garbbed my hand to take me to my room it was a white room it was ugly . Jane looked at me "what's wrong" she asked "the color" I said she laughed as she left for me to work on this horrible room.

I looked at the bed and started unpacking "hey are you liking it here so far?" The same voice I guess zalgo right I looked him and nodded "it's ok here" I said as I go back to unpacking. "Dinner well be ready soon" he said as he close the door I looked back to see he was gone just like dad.

*20 mins later*

I walked down to the dinner room to see jane , Kate, zalgo, the other girl,and some dude. "Hey everyone" I said softly as I took my seat "oh looking its jazz" Kate said happily the dude looked at me he had a blue masked just like EJs I looked at him "I'm the bloody painter" he said in hear of him he paints with peoples blood Jeff , EJ, and BEN hate him why cause he's know to take there girls,

"Nice to meet you I'm BEN girlfriend" I said he left up his mask and give me a smirk "not for long" he said as he got up and left I looked at everyone else still the girl has not told me her name.

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