Fruit Of The Poisoned Tree

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1958Luna spent 48 years with Elijah not knowing he was her uncle

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Luna spent 48 years with Elijah not knowing he was her uncle. Elijah treated the girl with care and kindness but also punished her if she did something wrong to teach her how to act and behave like a lady. It was just one of the days where Luna was just not in a good mood and didn't care what she did or said.

"Luna!" The teenage tribrid rolled her eyes at the noble original not in the mood to hear one of his lecturers. "Luna Amber when I ask for you, you answer." She glared at him in the mirror of her vanity where she was currently sitting.

"Oh sorry I didn't say yes to you because you entered the house."

"Luna what have a told you about giving me attitude?" Elijah loved the young girl but sometimes she could act so much like a teenager and it aggravated him.

"That it's disrespectful for a lady to have an attitude and that it isn't proper. I've heard this talk too much." The blonde teen sprayed her curls with hairspray.

"Anyway I don't have time to stick around I'm supposed to meet Danny at Pop's in about 15 minutes and I can't be late." The girl grabs her light yellow sweater and starts to walk out the door but Elijah grabs her forearm stopping her.

"Daniel can wait. You and I need to have a talk. I have warned you time after time not to have an attitude towards me yet you still continue to do it. Also another thing I have told you, you don't need that much makeup on you are 15." Elijah dragged his niece to her bed and sat her on it.

"Now I told you I would do this if you acted out again. I've tried earlier cerfews, taking things away, grounding you but when are you going to learn? So I have heard from the mothers that I see in the moring that they discipline their children when they act out. I used to do it to my siblings and believe me it worked. Now I'm gonna try it with you."

2013 Luna's P.O.V
I woke up in a sweat terrified of what I saw in my dreams. I've been having a nightmare of everyone I love dying for years but this time the vision was more bloody. I looked at my phone to see it was on 2:45am. I sighed and sat up in my bed. Would dad let me go to his bed with him?

I walked over to his room and opened the door to see him soundly asleep. I quietly went over to the bed and climbed in. Once I pulled the covers over me dad's eyes opened. "Luna?Little red what are you doing in here?" I look down not making eye contact with him.

"I had a nightmare." His face softened and he pulled me closer to him.

"Go back to sleep love. I'll see you in the morning." I put my face in the crook of his neck and fell asleep soundly. I woke up later in the morning due to the sun streaming in the room. I looked at the clock to see it was 9:00am. I got out of bed and walked downstairs to see my uncle and dad listening to classical music and they both had books in their laps.

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