Return To Mystic Falls

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Luna's P.O.V
Davina's death was taking a toll on me much more than I expected it to. I feel as if I had lost my energy when she never woke up during that ritual and it was tearing me apart. When I finally woke up for the day I realized I wasn't in my room but rather in a car with my father who seemed oddly cheerful. "What the hell is going on dad?"

"I got a call from your uncle telling me Katerina Petrova is on her death bed!" That's why he's so cheerful.

"Wait wait, we can't show up at the house together. My uncles still don't know your my dad because I didn't know how to tell them." He shrugged his shoulders like he didn't care.

"The Salvatore's can't harm me so I really don't care."

"That's not the point dad. They still believe that Jeff is my actual dad because that's what my mom told them all the way to her death bed so this is gonna be a big shock." Shock was the biggest understatement of the year as I damn well know they are gonna flip out or they will be the first ever vampires to have heart attacks.

"You let me handle your uncles because in reality it's my fault your mother lied to them." Dad looked over at me and I could see a hint of sadness in his eyes when he mentioned mom.

"I can't wait to see what Caroline is gonna say to me being your daughter." I made his face go a bit white. "Oh come on I'm positive she's gonna freak out a tiny bit and then be okay with it because it's me, and come on who doesn't love this?"

"Oh you are my daughter alright." After about another hour and a half we were finally at the boarding house which hasn't changed at all. As we got out of the car little Gilbert, Caroline, and the stunning and badass Bonnie Bennett are leaving.

"Luna! You're back, and your with Klaus...wait why the hell are you with him?" Caroline pulled me into a death gripping hug.

"Caroline I will gladly tell you but I need to be able to breath to do so." She let go and gave me a sheepish smile.

"Sorry about that. You are going to have to tell me in a bit as we have to go find Matt."

"What do you mean you need to find Matt? What the hell happened with him this time?" There is always something happening with that idiot.

"Kathrines daughter kidnapped him and buried him in the woods." Confusion was written all over my face when she said that. "I'll explain later Lulu, now I think Damon is gonna be excited to see you." The three of them went on their way to find Matt while me and dad went inside to see my uncle Damon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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