Apres Moi, le Deluge

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Luna's P.O.V
I woke up to having my entire room shaking like an earthquake was going on. I immediately rushed out of bed and to my dads office and both him and my uncle were acting like this was normal. "What the hell was that?"

"That would be Davina. She already did one before and I'm surprised that didn't wake you up." I was extremely confused on what was going on.

"What do you mean by 'that would be Davina." I tighten my sweater around my arms.

"The magic from the Harvest is basically tearing her apart. According to Sophie Devereaux we need to complete the Harvest before the entire city is destroyed due to the magic." I shook my head no.

"You do realize that there is the huge possibility that Davina won't come back to life. I'm sorry but your really willing to kill her to protect the city? Let the damn city burn for all I care and I think a few other people would agree with me."

"We don't have much of a choice sweetheart." I couldn't help it as a scoff escaped my lips.

"That's a lie and you damn well know it dad." He goes to say something but I don't let him as a I rush out of the room and head off to see Davina to give her some company and protect her from my idiotic family. After about an hour of us cuddling she finally speaks.

"You don't have to stay here with me."

"Davina I'm staying here with you because I care about you, not because I am being forced to. What they plan on doing is wrong and you don't deserve that what so ever." She lightly places her hand on mine as she tries to sit up. "Don't strain yourself."

"Please I will be fine. I just want to sit up for a minute that's all." A smile graces her lips and I couldn't stop my thoughts from rambling on.

"Can I kiss you?" Blush rises on both of our cheeks when those words leave my mouth.

"We've done it before so yeah but thanks for asking." She pulls me into a kiss and it truly felt that we have been kissing for hours when in reality it was only a few seconds. "Your pretty good at that." I smirk at her.

"Well I have about over a 100 years of practice. Can I tell you that Elvis was one of the best." This light giggle escapes her baby pink lips just as Marcel comes through the door.

"Davina let's go we are getting you out of here." Finally a plan I'm on board with.

"But Marcel they will notice I'm gone." Davina sounded weak as she spoke.

"Not for a few minutes they won't. Let Marcel get you out of town at least. If your out of town the magic should not affect you."

"We don't know that Luna. For all we know it could make it worse." I looked over at Marcel who had the same glimmer of hope mixed with sadness in his eyes. "Take her." He didn't hesitate when those words left my mouth. As he ran out of the compound with her in his arms my aunt came into the room.

"What the hell did you do?"

"We gave her the option of not being a lamb going to the slaughter. She's a teenage girl who has her whole life ahead of her and you are all willing to throw it away so your precious New Orleans could be safe. Well guess what, Davina is much more important than this fucking city you seem to all care about!" Once I finished my rant my entire world went black.

I awoke with a pain in my chest like someone was extremely abusing magic and it hurt like a bitch but next thing I knew the pain went away and something felt off. I walked out of Davina's room into the common room of the compound to see Marcel tearing it apart which only meant one thing. When he finally saw me I saw the extreme pain in his eyes as they welled up with tears and next thing I knew I collapsed to the ground letting out a scream as my dad appeared.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted you! She was fine before you got here and now she's dead!" Marcel breaks down crying while my dad hugs him then next thing I know I'm being pulled into my aunts arms as I sobbed till I felt exhausted. I just lost the one person who I felt a connection with.

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