The River In Reverse

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Luna's P.O.V
I spent a few good hours with Davina since I ran away from home. Davina was kind, spirited, full of personality, and extremely beautiful which was everything I wanted in a girlfriend but I fear she will reject me if I let her know who I truly am. "So Luna, how did you end up at the church tonight?" Her voice was soft.

"I got into a fight with my dad and I ran. I don't know if I can go back tonight."

"Well you are more than welcome to spend the night here with me." A blush crept up on my cheeks.

"That's kind of you but are you sure? For all you know I could be the daughter of the big bad wolf." She let out a giggle and smiled. Oh if she only knew the truth.

"I think I can handle the bad wolf. I have a few extra clothes if you want to borrow some to sleep in."

"Thank you Davina and I truly mean it. One of the only other people who have treated me with this kindness was a friend of mine in my hometown." God that reminds me I missed Caroline and uncle Stefan's graduation.

"Your welcome. To be honest your the only other friend I have." The night continued on great till we both fell asleep cuddled together on her twin bed. When we both woke up the sun was streaming through the windows.

"Good morning Davina." She turned onto her side to look at me with her beautiful doe eyes.

"Good morning Luna. How did you sleep?" I gave her a light smile.

"I slept great sugar, how about you?" A smile then formed on her lips when I called her sugar.

"I got the best sleep I had in a long time. I'm not used to having someone in my bed and with you hear I feel as if all my bad memories had went away for the night."

"I have that effect on people." I used a little bit of magic last night to help with her dreams since I saw her tossing and turning before I fell asleep.

"Apparently so." I climbed out of the bed and walked around the small attic looking around.

"You need to get out of here." She was being treated like Rapunzel and while I loved that story as a child no girl as charming as her deserves to be treated like that.

"I can't. There are witches out there who want to hurt me because I'm the only way for them to get their magic back from our ancestors but they have to kill me for it. They already killed 3 other girls and I'm the last one." I dug my nails into the palms of my hand in anger. There is no way in hell I will let them kill her.

"They won't get to you and besides everyone seems to be afraid of you around here."

"There only afraid of losing their magic that's all." That's the sad part of this all. Those bitches are willing to kill another girl just to get their magic back and no one truly knows if it will work.

"I don't care if they lose it. You are too kind of a person and too young to die for something we don't know will work." Davina seemed shocked by my words.

"You've only known me for about 12 hours at most yet you seem to care just as much as Marcel does about me."

"Is it bad to say I already have a thing for you in this short period of time?" She laughed since she probably thought I was joking until she looked over at me to see the look on my face.

"Oh you aren't joking." I shook my head no.

"Can I do something Davina?" She nods lightly as I start to walk over to her. Once I reach her I start to slowly lean in and as I do she starts to also.

We both finally reached each others lips and I feel like fireworks are going off in my body. We kiss for what feels like hours when it was truly on seconds. We both pull away when her clock chimes and scares both of us. "I'm sorry I just needed to see if I felt something..." As I rambled on she pulled me into another kiss and this one felt better than the last. After that we once again sat around sketching and talking about life.

"Davina this has been amazing but I think I should probably head home to make sure my dad hasn't lost his head looking for me." If he was looking for me at all.

"I understand Luna. You'll come back and visit right?" I raised an eyebrow.

"After today? Damn straight I'm coming back to see you." We both giggle at my answer. "I'll see you later Davina." I place a small kiss on her cheek and I rushed out of the church to the plantation house to see Hayley sitting on the steps.

"Luna thank god your okay!" She pulls me into a bone crushing hug.

"Hayley I may have supernatural abilities but I still need to breath." She apologizes and let's go.

"What the hell happened to you? I didn't see you when Tyler took me."

"Wait did you just say Tyler? As in Tyler Lockwood?"

"He was pissed when he realized someone took you. Who saved you Luna?"

"That is a long story for another day Hayley." I did not feel like explaining the current family drama.

"As long as your okay Luna which is all that matters." When she finished her sentence dad stormed out of the house and headed to the car.

"You are coming with me little wolf and where the bloody hell have you been Luna?" I don't answer his question and stayed close to Hayley.

"Why would we go anywhere with you?"

"Because Hayley my daughter and the child you carry are the only two things that matter to me on this Earth. You can both fight this but you will both lose, as will anyone who tries to stop you two from getting in this car." I go to sit in the front but dad grabs me and puts me in the back. "You want to act like a child and run away I will treat you like one." I roll my eyes at his attitude.

"Knock it off Luna, you are already in trouble." I could give two shits at the moment. The only thing I cared about right now was seeing the girl that was near but seemed so far.

The Other Miracle BabyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora