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Outfit for chapter

Outfit for chapter

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Luna's P.O.V
I woke up in a small cabin on the hard wood floor which seems to be in the middle of the Bayou. I went to put my hand to my head but my hands are stuck to my sides. "Good I'm glad to see your awake. I'm sorry I would have taken the binds off but I had to get you as far away from that hybrid as possible." I heard a thick British accent speak but I didn't see a face.

"W-who's there?" My throat felt extremely sore as I spoke.

"I'm surprised you don't remember me flower." Next thing I know a man stepped in wearing black dress pants, a blue patterned dress shirt with a black blazer over it and he had on dress shoes. I looked up at his face to see he had clear blue eyes, chocolate colored hair that looked mostly tamed, he had scruff and to finish it off circular glasses. He walked over and knelt down to my level. "Hi flower."


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"Look how big you've gotten oh you look just like her." I backed away from him a little.

"You died during the civil war, your dead." I couldn't believe the man that I believed was my father is alive and is in front of me.

"Before I died Damon got word I wasn't doing so well and vamped over to Kentucky to heal me and I got shot within the next two hours then woke up once again with a burning in my throat and a hunger."

"Why didn't you come and find me then? If you posed as my father for years why didnt you bother to find me?" All these questions kept coming out of my mouth like wild fire.

"I was told not to go near you at all. This woman named Lexi Brandson came to me about a week after your mothers death saying not to see you again so you can go on the right course." I scoffed.

"So you left me alone for years because Lexi told you so?" He sighed and took my hands in his but I pulled my hands away.

"No you don't get to play the caring father card. Klaus has been my dad for a matter of a few weeks and he's already done more than you ever have!"

"That man has barley done anything for you! He got your mother knocked up, and he up and left her leaving her to raise you on her own!" I growled at him.

"So did you so your no saint either." No one gets to talk about my mother like that.

"Luna sweetheart please, I'm trying to make up for leaving you alone all these years so I had a witch locate you and I got here as fast as I could. I was headed to where you wers staying to watch a hybrid loading you and a woman into a van so I immediately rushed over and grabbed you before he could do anything to you. I brought you here so we could talk without interruptions."

"Yet you kept me in binds and refuse to let me leave?"

"I just wanted to finally wanted to have a conversation with you and you only." He kneels down beside me and rips off the binds that are around my wrists and my feet. "How about I walk you back to where you are staying and I finally get to know the girl that thought she was my daughter for years?" I weakly smiled to him and stood up wiping the dust off me.

"Yeah I guess that would be alright."

He brought me back to the mansion and surprisingly I had a decent conversation with him. As we entered the house Rebekah was pacing around the living room. "Oh thank god your alright!" She rushed over and pulled me into her arms. "Please tell me you aren't hurt, you aren't hurt aren't." She looked over at dad. "Who the bloody hell are you?" I stopped her before she could attack him.

"Aunt Bekah this is Jefferson. He's the one who pretend to be my dad for years."

"Why the bloody hell is he here now and where are Niklaus and Elijah? Were they with you?" I shook my head no.

"All I know that guy named Marcel came to the door and had a small conversation with me and Hayley then he left and not even five minutes later my vision went black and I woke up in a cabin with my hands bound because he saved me from where I was."

"Well as long as your alright now my dear niece." The front door swings open and dad steps in with a dark look on his face. Wait where are Hayley and Uncle Elijah? "Nik where are Hayley and our brother?" My aunt asks and my eyebrow raises when I look to him.

"Our dear brother and Hayley believed the worst in me and thought the only reason I cared for my children was because I could use their blood to create hybrids." My face pales when he says that.

"So currently our brother is sitting in the bayou with a nice werewolf bite on his neck. Hayley decided to stay with him so they should suffer for a few days." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"How could you do that to them? They are your family." I tell him and he looks me dead in the eyes.

"All I've known is family betrays and hates you for being different and believe me sweetheart they will do the same to you." He basically hisses It at me and tears well up in my eyes and right then and their I vamp speed out the door and end up at a church bawling my eyes out. Why does everyone in my life have to be mean and cruel to me at one point? What did I ever do to them?

As I was crying I heard footsteps approach me slowly and someone sits down next to me. "Are you okay?" I look up to see a girl who looks no older than 16.

"Yes I'm alright, it's just been a long day." I wipe my eyes as she gives me a light smile.

"Come with me, I'm sure I can do something to cheer you up." She helps me to my feet.

"Thank you for your kindness. I'm Luna Salvatore." I hold out my hand to her.

"Davina Claire. I think we are going to get along great."

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