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"Stop shaking baby boy, it's okay. I'm not angry." Phil placed a hand on the youngers trembling thigh and sighed. Dan was very upset at himself, and mostly embarrassed that Phil caught him nearly having sex with his roommate, Emily. Dan's head hung low and rested on his palms. He wouldn't make eye contact with Phil. Dan was more ashamed of himself than when he figured out he enjoyed doing sexual things with boys.

"M'sorry, j-just wanted t-to be s-s-straight." Dan hiccuped out. His chest was heaving and Phil was worried. Such a pretty boy having such an ugly problem.

"What's that? Why'd you want to be straight? Do you mean sexuality wise?" Phil asked. Why would Dan be so hell bent on being heterosexual after their very gay exchange the other day? Phil started to gently rub his thumb in circles where it lay on the boys thigh. Hot tears dropped down Dan's arms and started to wet his skirt. His beautiful pink shirt, covered in shameful tears.

"M-my m-mom s-stopped by. S-she h-hates g-gay p-people." Immediately Phil understood. His thoughts drifted to his own parents who kicked him out when he was seventeen for sleeping with a boy. His parents had found them curled up with eachother in Phil's bed, and screamed every horrible thing that could ever be said. The worst part was that the boy he'd lost his virginity too was very closeted, and started to hate on Phil, saying he'd raped him and that he was never really gay.

Phil struggled with his sexuality for a while after that, feeling worthless and disgusting. It wasn't until he had met his flatmate Emily who accepted him for who he was that he started feeling more accepted. Oh yeah, he'd have to talk to Emily later about the whole Dan thing.

That'd be awkward.

The older boy just silently took Dan in his arms and held him as he cried. Dan eventually calmed down, Phil's interesting scent of peaches and laundry soap helped. After about thirty minutes, Dan was slowly and deeply breathing, pressed up against Phil's chest and listening to his heart beating.

"Are you doing better now, baby?" Phil asked, his tone sounding sweet as honey. Dan slowly nodded, his eyes feeling sticky from crying a lot.

"Do you want to talk about it? I know a thing or two about unapproving parents." Phil tried to shut down his memories of his father's hurtful words that he said while Phil scrambled to pack everything he owned in a small travel bag. They wanted nothing more to do with Phil, even if he was their son. Being gay was apparently the ultimate sin, but Phil felt like it would have been a little easier if he hasn't been caught right in the act.

"M-maybe." Dan said softly. He looked up at Phil's eyes that were studying the smaller boy very closely as if he would fly away and try to fuck some random girl again. Dan was still incredible embarrassed but at the same time glad he was still a virgin. He reminded himself to text Phil before doing something stupid in the future.

"C-can I tell you something?" Phil's expression softened.

"Of course, sweetheart." Dan gulped and looked down in his lap.

"I kinda want to kiss you. We didn't last time and I've been thinking about you and-" Phil grabbed Dans jaw softly and gently booped his nose with his pointer finger. A rosy blush crept across Dan's cheek as Phil leaned in and pressed his lips softly to the boys. Dan's breath caught in his throat as he tried to process the fact that he was kissing a boy and also trying to contain the raging boner that appeared in his pants. Apparently the hours of crying hadn't really impacted his sex drive.

Dan gasped as Phil's fingers lightly ran through the boys soft brown curls. He'd never felt so giddy and content at the same time. Phil was showing him new feelings and Dan was pretty sure he could get used to this. It was all so nice.

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