Under Your Spell {A Vampire Romance} [#18]

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Original Publish Date: 11/1/2009

I held onto Skylar tightly, though I knew it wouldn’t do any good against a vampire. As they approached us I managed to see that the vampire was a female, and that surprised me even more. Usually if a vampire went mad it was a male. This was a rare case; or maybe she wasn’t crazy...

“Stay away!” Skylar screamed at the woman, but she paid no attention. She came closer and practically ripped the little girl from my arms. Skylar screamed in protest, fighting against the strong grip of the vampire’s hands. I shot to my feet in seconds, ready to do whatever it took to get her back. I ran up to the vampire, only to be hissed at violently and slapped hard across the face. So hard in fact I fell back to the floor.

I heard a few of the guards chuckle, but they quieted once I turned my fierce glare onto them. The woman walked out of the room, carrying Skylar like she was no more than a dainty feather, and I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek.

“What is wrong with you? Turning against your own kind; why?” I shouted after her. Just as the vampire entered the hallway, where the light revealed her hair to be a chocolate-brown, she turned all the intensity of her beautifully violet eyes on me. For a second it looked as if she was going to laugh at me but her face resumed it’s implacable mask and it took every ounce of my inner strength not to punch something.

I watched as they carried Skylar away, then slammed the door behind themselves. I ran up to the small window in the door as soon as I was sure they were far enough away and observed that they took Skylar into the room they had used to perform tests on me. My heart leapt to my throat.

I started to pace the room, wracking my brain for ways to escape this horrendous place. If the vampires had given up on me then I was just going to have to figure this one out on my own. If only I could get one of the guards to move or become distracted... they had strong psychic barriers though, and that prevented me from using any of my powers.

Suddenly I laughed to myself; the one time I needed my powers the most, the one time I actually WANTED to have them, I could not use them. Perhaps that was one of the lessons here, I should be thankful I even had powers whether I wanted them or not.

Screaming floated down the hall to my my ears and I recognized the pitch of Skylar’s small voice. Damn them, they were hurting her just as they had me. To torture an innocent little girl like that was incomprehensible. What could possibly make these people so cruel? Silence deadened my thoughts and I found my heart was once again in my throat. Please, please say she still lives.... that was all I could think.

I raced again to the tiny window placed in the door, and looked down the hall to the door she had vanished into. Suddenly it swung open with such force that it probably dented the wall behind it. I saw though, a little foot step out of that doorway and my pulse raced.

“Let me go!” I heard Skylar scream and I nearly sighed in relief. Thank whatever god was out there, she was alive!

“Skylar!” I yelled to her, and her eyes brightened when she saw me. Only a moment later though, the vampire woman stepped out of the room too and grabbed Skylar by the hair, practically dragging her kicking and screaming towards our cold cell. The vampire sneered when she saw me, and stood there waiting for one of the guards to open the door, though I was fully aware she could open it if she wanted to.

I watched her violet eyes dash around, similar to the way a trapped wolf would look around, like the enemy was everywhere; yet every time she looked down at Skylar or up at me, her face was full of hatred. Why she was that way was completely beyond me, because if she hated humans she wouldn’t be working with them. These humans obviously hated vampires too, so why they had her in their midst was also just as puzzling.

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