He Said, She Said: The Character Takeover

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Hey guys! So, this is a little experiment I'm working on that I'm hoping you'll enjoy. Think of this as a filler for when I don't publish much in the way of chapters all the time - mostly because I only write when I get the inspiration and I don't like to make schedules for writing because it all turns out weird when I do.

So this is a way for you all to know I'm still alive! I'm not gonna make too many rules - other than to keep the horrible language to a minimum and respect others who have questions.

I will do me best to post in this every Friday - but don't get angry if it's a bit late. As you've seen...sometimes I'll post a chapter at five am the next day or surprise you the day before.

Also, each chapter will be ready when it's ready. And some answers will be longer than others - just depends on who you ask and what they think about it.

Honestly, you don't have to be a follower to ask questions, but it would be cool if you end up as one because you love the characters as much as I do.

Most of all, remember that the answers you get will come from the perspectives of the characters you're writing to and not all of them are bright and bubbly people who say all the nice words - *cough cough* Derreck *cough cough* Alec.

Anyways, hope you enjoy and like the idea. Also can't wait to read what you've got.

Just comment or PM me your questions and all will be answered - except the repeats.

He Said, She Said: The Character TakeoverWhere stories live. Discover now