Raif from My Wolf

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1) from @liazo94

Don't you think leaving your brother behind is a little cruel? He is all you have left and don't tell me it's for his own good.

Oh, um...I don't think it's me being cruel. He'd have a better future being with Bekah's pack than one by following me. This pack can accept him and highlight all that makes him wonderful. I love my brother and leaving him will be the hardest thing I can do at this moment in life. I know you don't want me to say it's for his own good, but that's exactly why I have to do this. This will be a new beginning for him and a good place for him to have a life. Here he can actually have a life. And I've done too many bad things to reconcile myself, so I don't want to bring him down. He'll constantly worry over me and that won't be good for him. I'm sorry to have to burst your bubble here but that's how I see things. And I won't appologize for it - even if that's not how you spell that word.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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