Jasynn (Jase) from My Wolf

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1) from @liazo94

1.Did it ever cross your mind to reject Anna?

2.Why didn't we see Anna in your pack meeting?

I have thought about it - several times. But each time it feels like my insides are being riped apart. It's worse than my first shift and I haven't even approached her about it! It's intense knowing something so big while trying to hide it from everyone. So far, only Beks and Rhys knows that she's my mate. It's killing me to see Trey and Xander with their mates while I know mine but can't tell her. It's horrible...because I can't let her go but fear paralizes me, keeping me from saying anything.

Anna's still a sore subject with everyone - escpecially since she's the one that shot Bekah. The guys know I'm dating her but that's as far as they know. She wasn't at the meeting because she isn't a member of the pack yet and I'm scared that if she knew what was going on she'd insist on being in the fight. I don't want her to have to deal with all of this - even though her parents are insane for making her a hunter. Besides, her father scares me to death! He's so tall - how can someone be that tall? Unless it's just that he's tall to me because he's Anna's father...hmm, maybe that's what it is? Anyways, that's why she wasn't at the meeting.

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