Hey everyone!!!

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Okay, there's no entries yet but I'd like to say that Chocobumble, SabrinaLarson, and I - lostinWonders - are all very excited to read your questions and give you all a bit more insight into the characters you've been reading about. As I've said, I'm going to try to post every Friday - but I'm a busy person and currently in a show where I literally have to crawl around like Tarzan for my church. Sue me! (It's actually kinda fun...in a very painful sort of way that my legs are currently screaming at me)

Anyways, I'm glad to say that we're all very excited and can't wait. 

Some of you may be under the assumption that you need to "finish the whole story" before asking any questions....well, that is false!!! You can think of this project as an "ask as you go" kind of deal. But please, make sure to be mindful that others aren't as far into the stories as some of you - so don't be rude or I'll delete your comment. 

Also, no question is dumb! That means that there's a reason behind every question and it's probably our/my fault that it wasn't too clear or just plain confusing. So, again, be nice!

As long as you follow the rules in the previous page - which is really a "treat others as you want to be treated" deal - you'll be fine and we can all enjoy this experience.

Oh! Um, any questions directed toward authors must also follow the guidelines previously stated and if you ask anything rude or state something that could make you cry if someone sent it to you your questions will be ignored and deleted. I don't condone derogatory or rude comments aimed to hurt others. If it's a genuine question about something you didn't understand make sure to write it in a way that won't bring a person down. Again, if it makes you upset to recieve such a comment maybe it shouldn't be sent in the first place? 

I will be fair and all questions will be answered...unless you ask something important to the plot line - like "who's the killer" or something you know hasn't been revealed. 

Thanks for stopping by!!!! We really enjoy helping you connect to the characters/stories better :)

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