Ian from My Wolf

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1) from @liazo94

1.why do you think Beks is not fully healed yet.

2. Are you jealous of the ones that already found their mate?

Well, it could be a number of things. The fact that it was twin alphas that hit her could be the simplest reason. There's also the fact that she hasn't given her body the time to heal. The fact that she lost her mate and the problem is psychological rather than physical. It honestly could be a number of reasons but we won't be able to tell what it is unless we get her to Henri. Sadly we'd have to wait until she asks to be taken there - because, she can be a little stuborn...well, completely stuborn actually.

Okay, this is a little sore for me, but yes I am jealous. For one, most of these guys have only been wolves for weeks and already have found their mates. I've been looking for mine for six months and haven't found her yet. It can get a little annoying once I let myself think about it. Unfortunately, I can't blame them for it. When someone has their other half like that...it's a gift. I just hope I can find her soon so I can feel the same devotion the others do.

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