Derreck from My Wolf

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Here's where you all can ask the mysterious Derreck your questions!!! ;)

1) Ok so derreck what is it like to be a wolf and a human? - from @Chayale

Well, *scratches neck while trying to think of an answer* I guess it's just...normal for me? I mean, being born this way kind of makes me wonder how people can exist without being both. Of course, since we can communicate through thought I know what he's thinking and well...he can get pretty annoying. But he's usually right. Honestly? I like my wolf side better. There's less bullshit and the reality of life and that the body has certain needs - whether that's food, sleep, a pack, water, or sex is all up to the moment. Although, I won't admit this to the others but I yearn for my mate just as much as Bekah does. Maybe more?

But don't tell her or anyone else otherwise I might have to go wolf on you...actually, I'll probably just scare you so bad you can't utter a word because I don't want Hunters on my tail. Again.

2) How would you go wolf on me? - from @Chayale

Well, the first instinct would have been attack in wolf form and make sure you can't say anything - whether or not that leaves you dead or alive is up to you. But...since that will definitely attract hunter attention and Bekah would kill me if I made her move again for doing something stupid like that.

Of course, there are other ways to make you not talk...other activities maybe?

3) So you live with Bekah already? - from @Chayale

Well, live is a relative term. Technically - after her parents died from a rogue attack - my father legally adopted her to save her from her prejudice pack. They were freaking out because she has odd colored eyes. *rolls eyes in annoyance* Anyways, after the fire that killed our pack a few years ago, she and I went on the run - we're the last two...other than my uncle Paul, who's about a year older than me. We've been living together the whole time, although he have seperate rooms. Although, recently she's been living with Jasynn, his cousin Ian, and Melody - Jasynn's mother - because of my little...*cough cough* run-in with the law.

4) Why did act that way towards her before they found out they were mates? - from @TyneeshaC

What way do you mean exactly?

~Why did you treat her like your mate before you found the truth? - from @TyneeshaC

Um, I did? *scratches neck* I guess I realy didn't think about it. I always felt like I could be comfortable around her and show me for who I am. I mean, I definitely have my faults and past mistakes but she seems to look past that. She never judged me - at least not that I know of - and she was the one person I went to for everything.

I mean, it could also be that we've been around each other for so long that she brought up all those instincts to protect, love, and care for her. Plus, she always knows when I need her - and vise versa for me. We've always had a special connection, before and after we found out, and I think it's just going to get stronger from here.

5) from @liazo94

1. when you learned Beks is your mate did you think even for a second she might reject you?

2.Isn't it awkward that Beks knows about your love life? E.g. when she found you with that girl in the apartment.

3.Would you give up everything for Beks?

Why wouldn't she reject me at that point? I'd been pretty horrible toward her during the weeks prior to finding out. All she ever dreamed of was finding her mate and living with a normal pack. Now she's pretty much stuck here - with someone who only pains her and a town that's literally her worst nightmare. Although, since Jasynn and that annoying thing they call a Rhys joined us, she's been getting along great here. For a while I'd hoped Jase would be her mate - he's made her so happy that the light she had when my father was still around finally returned.

It's not awkward that she knows everything - although I do wish I could have gone back and changed some everything the two of us had to go through. But somehow she's forgiven me for all my faults, even before we found out we're mates. That's what I love most about her - her ability to look at a situation from a completely detached perspective and weigh in everything that comes with each choice. The fact that she can stand being with me astounds me. Sometimes I wish I were so much more...because she deserves better than what I can give her.

I'd give up my life for her if it comes to that. She's the most precious thing in my life and if I could leave everything behind after my pack's death before I can pick up and leave if the situation calls for it. People like Beks are only found once in a lifetime. I've never seen someone who could love so unconditionally while still being so strong - mentally and physically. She knows what she believes in and I'll do anything to keep that for her. I wish I could make all our troubles go away with just a thought so she could finally get used to the great parts of being like us.

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