Anna from My Wolf

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1) from @liazo94

1.Do you like Jase?

2.Do you want to be a hunter or is it just a legacy you are suppose/expected to follow?

Well *blushes* of course I like him. He's cute, funny, and so very sweet. I've never met anyone like him. I still can't believe him and the others are all werewolves. It's crazy, but I'm getting off topic. Jase is the best guy I've known and I have this...connection with him? I don't know what it is, but ever since my birthday I can't help but feel drawn to him wherever he is. The other night I was sleeping in my bed when I suddenly felt the urge to be with him. I paced my room over and over until my feet hurt, coming up with reasons why I should stay home - it was dark out, there were crazy things going on with the wolves, my father would follow, Jase's mother would freak out...eventually I was able to fall back to sleep. This was the reason I took up Laura's offer to come to the meet. Even though he won't tell me what's going on, I know something big happened last night.

My whole life I've watched my family head out to fight off the supernatural. We don't just hunt werewolves, but we were always lead to believe that werewolves were mindless monsters that would rip you in half if given the chance. That they could sense weakness and will exploit it to get what they want - which was a weird concept for me. If they were mindless then how could they be so cunning? Finding out that my friends are wolves was pretty hard, but I've somehow kept the secret from my family - which consists of three brothers and two sisters along with my parents, five aunts and uncles, and thirteen cousins as well as my grandparents. There's a lot of us and they'd all go postal if they found out about them. But my friends aren't the monsters we were lead to belive they were. What if our view on werewolves has always been wrong? How many lives have been forfeit for this when we could have found another way?

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