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Seulgi's POV

Knowing that Yuta will be fine with his friends, I quickly hurried over to find my friends, hoping they are still at the cafeteria. I entered the cafeteria and the aroma of the foods fill in my nose holes, causing me to feel a little hungry, though I just had breakfast not long. I scanned around the cafeteria and trying to find four girls with colored hair. After trying to look around the cafeteria which seems like forever, I spotted them and headed towards them. As I was nearing them, all four of them turned their heads around, almost in sync and had a surprised expression on their faces.

"Where did you go? I didn't see you in school earlier in the morning." Wendy exclaimed with questionable face.

"Long-story short," I started to tell everything from head to toe and all of them gave different expressions each time I said something "exciting". It didn't really take long for them to comprehend the situation, although I assumed they would take longer than expected since such events had happened and even I have to comprehend the real situation that happened. I was still wondering why for once I felt weak and vulnerable. It's been long since I've ever become weak and I don't know whether it's because I've been in prison for too long or I just let my guard down. Usually I don't but I don't know why it happened to my yesterday. As if everything just became blur and I couldn't even think straight.

"That bastard is really asking for death. If I was you, I would've already kicked his crotch like ten times." Yeri felt angry and was clutching onto her metal chopsticks which seems like it's going to bend or break apart.

"Old Seulgi would've done that but maybe new Seulgi doesn't." Says Irene.

Maybe Irene was right. Maybe I've let myself change, that's why I wasn't able to protect myself like I used to. And yet, I still have this 'secret' mission of mine that I have to accomplish and I know there will still be dangers since I took up the challenge.

"I don't know..but I know I wouldn't let myself to make this happen again." I said confidently with a bold and confident tone in my voice.

"Yeah, we hope." Says Joy.

After awhile, we started to talk like how we normally do until Hyorin and her friends had to intrude.

"Kang Seulgi," Hyorin approached to me with her glaring eyes, as if she's ready to kill me any moment. "After trying to flirt with Taeyong, now you're going after Yuta?!"

Is she for reals? Me, flirting? How ironic. "Am I? Or are you?" I said, without even looking at her.

"What do you mean by that?" Her voice went an octave higher, almost like a shriek.

"Why does it concern to you anyways? I can talk to whoever I like." I stated, feeling a little irritated.

"Yuta belongs to me!" Hyorin's friend, Mina, shouted at me.

"Are you guys official though?" I scoffed.

"Not yet but soon." Mina said it confidently.

"Stay away from the NCT members." Hyorin warned me and I rolled my eyes.

"I do whatever that pleases me and you don't tell me what to do." I shot back, giving her a sarcastic smile. Hyorin and her friends were fuming in anger.

"Seulgi, I know your weaknesses. I know your parents are dead," Her words made me freeze. "And do you know why your parents left you? Because they despise their own child who is a criminal!" And when she said that, I slapped her.

"My parents didn't leave me because they despise me. You, don't know what I've been through so shut your fucking mouth." I cussed and I could still feel the burning sensation from my palm when I slapped her hard. Tears were already falling down to my cheeks and I just ran away from the cafeteria. I could hear my friends yelling after me but I couldn't hear them anymore as I continue to sprint faster and faster. I didn't know where my feet was carrying me but I ended up at the rooftop. I stopped running after I was at the edge of the roof. I sat there and started to breakdown. I couldn't stop crying. Hyorin wasn't lying when she said she knew my weaknesses and she triggered one of them. I didn't want to hurt Hyorin but she pushed my limits until I had to slap her. Although she deserves it, I would be in deep trouble after that.

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