Pill Problem pt.2💊‼️

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"Mr.Jones" a nurse called. "She is ready to be seen." Jughead released his arm from Betty and walked to the nurse who led him to Veronica's room. He sat on the chair next to the bed, and began to tear.
"Veronica..i have no idea if yoy can hear me, but im sorry. Im sorry for the way i treated you and your family. I nevet ment to hurt you like this and im sorry."
Jughead didnt belive that Veronica heard him, but she did. Betty walked into the room and saw Jughead crying. She ran up to him and threw herself around him. But he wasn't looking at Betty, he was looking at Veronica. Still staring at Ronnie he said, "Betty, what have we done.."
Before she could answer Veronica opened her chocolate brown eyes. Jughead's face lit up. "Veronica."
Veronica gave Jughead and Betty an ugly stare. "W-ha-t  ar-e  y-ou  tw-o  do-i-n-g her-e.
Archie walked through the door.
"Yea guys..what are you doing here?" Archie said.
"Arch- we know your mad, but just let us explain ourselfs." Jughead said.
"Save it Jug- get out of her room."
Jughead and Betty stared at Veronica.
"Just go." Veronica said.
The couple walked out of the room. And Archie ran to his girlfriend.
"I love you Ronnie, and im sorry i wasn't good enough.
"Stop it. Archie you are perfect..i love you."
Archie began to cry, he gave her a soft kiss on the lips and hugged his girlfriend with every last drop of blood in his body.

A while after Veronica woke up..

The whole town came to visit Veronica, but no one needed to like Jughead did. So Jughead went back to see Veronica.
"Veronica, i know you probably don't want me here-"
Veronoca cut him off.
"Correct..i dont want your pitty. You are the reason i did this to myslef..i dont want you here."
"Im SORRY Veronica, Betty too. And i promise you we will never hurt you like this again."
"Jughead, you need to leave." Veronica said.
Jughead stood up.
"Veronica, did you hear what i said before you woke up.."
She glared at him, but then gave him a soft look.
"yes.." She said quietly.
"Then why are you so upset Ronnie..you have my word."
She looked down. And her eyes became teary.
"Not now.." She said quietly and motioned Jughead to the door. He left and and wiped his wattery eyes with his sleeve.

The next day, Veronica was out of the hospital and the Core Four decided to meet at Pops.

The four of them stared at eachother for a few minutes, untill Jughead began to speak. "Veronica I am so sorry, but you have my word. I.." Jughead glanced at Betty. "We.. will never hurt you like this again." Betty looked at Veronica. "Im sorry V." Veronica looked at Archie and took a breath. She put her hand open in the middle of the table waiting for the others to join. Archie quickly took his hand and clapsed it with Veronica's. Then Betty put hers ontop, and then Jughead. They all smiled at eachother and spent the rest of the night at Pops. Maybe they weren't completely repaired, but they were definitely stuck together for now.

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