Sweets pt.2🌷💔

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Reader P.O.V
I'm such an idiot. I didn't know where to go. Jughead told me that he and his dad weren't on best terms and he didn't want me to be the middle of it. I didn't tell him about my dad, I felt guilty and exhausted. I had nowhere to go. I can't go to the Northside. My dad could be out there and I knew I was safer out here than anywhere near him. I was freezing and soaking wet. I drove away the only person I could count on. He was only trying to help, I just could accept what he was saying. Why would he love me? Me of all the beautiful serpent girls in the gang. I was never initiated. But to my friends and the rest of the Serpents, I was known as the Northside Serpent. I soon heard footsteps and began to panic.
"Hey! Look, she's alone. I think..." one spoke up.
"Well, let's hurry then! Go!" After I heard that, I tried to run. One of them grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
"Hold on, you can't leave yet. Let's have some fun first."
They held me down and I tried to escape. They punched me in the stomach, making me cough up a little blood. I was so scared but I punched the one holding me and ran as fast as I could. I hid in a dark alley. I tried to find me but they weren't very smart and passed over me. The rain poured down harder and it got colder. I got up and began walking again, trying to find somewhere, anywhere to stay for the night. Over time, my stomach started to ache more and more, due to the man having brass knuckles on. My clothes were stuck to me and I felt my eyes get heavier and heavier. Suddenly, my legs just gave out. I fell down on the road and looked up just to the rain falling on my face and in my eyes. I started crying and I couldn't stop. I tried to stand but I just fell down again. I closed my eyes for a second and then everything went completely blank.

Sweet Pea P.O.V
I didn't know what to do. She just left. y/n
had just left. I was scared and worried for her. It was pouring rain and it was freezing, I didn't know where she was either. All I wanted to know is that she was safe. I went straight over to Jughead's, praying she would be there. "Jones! Open up!"
"Whoa, Sweet Pea, calm down. What's up?"
"Is she here?" I asked, panic in my voice. "What? What do you mean?"
"y/n! Is she here?" I yellee
"No. Why would she?"
I felt like crying and breaking down all over again. If she wasn't here than where was she? She couldn't have gone to the Northside, she wouldn't. Then the worst case scenario popped into my head.
"Jug. Please let me borrow the truck." I begged. "Sweet Pea, what the hell is going on?!" Jughead asked almost yelling but worried for both of his best friends.
"I'll explain later, but you need to give me the keys to the truck. Please, Jug. I need to know." I replied.
"You owe me an explanation when you get back. Deal?" Jughead said raising a brow.
"Deal." I said while running to the truck.
I drove all over Riverdale, North and Southside, looking for her. I tried calling her, she wouldn't answer. She wasn't with Toni or Fangs. My mind reverted back to the thought from earlier. "What if her dad got to her?" was all that ran through my mind. I pulled over and started hitting the steering wheel, causing more tears to fall from my eyes. She just has to be okay. She has to. I'd do anything, just to ensure that she was okay. She had become my everything. I'd always thought about her and when she told me about her past, my mind went blank. I couldn't accept the fact that this girl, this angel, this princess was abused and hurt. I still can't accept the facts. As I started to calm down, I started to drive again. I turned down a road only to see something lying on the side. I rushed over only to see y/n knocked out. She had blue lips and skin as pale as snow. She had dried tears on cheeks and she was soaked from head to toe. She was out here for a while. I drove her back to my trailer and laid her down. I let her rest and warm up. I stayed up all night, just to make sure she was okay.

Reader P.O.V
I woke up in Sweet Pea's trailer. My head and stomach were killing me. I looked over to see Sweets asleep in a chair. I couldn't help but smile at the sight. He looked so content and peaceful. I was going to leave, but I couldn't do that to him again. Also, I had no place to go. I sat up but instantly laid back down. Everything hurt too much.
"Are you okay?" I heard.
"I mean, not exactly." Sweets got up and came over to sit down beside me. I sat up again and leaned the couch.
"Can I ask what the hell happened last night?" Sweets asked.
"I kinda got jumped. Someone punched me in the stomach. Then I ran. That's it." I explained. Soon, an awkward silence consumed the atmosphere around us.
"What were you thinking?" He asked, upset and confused.
"I don't know what was I thinking?! Okay? I shouldn't have just run out. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. You were just trying to help." I said, feeling tears once more.
"I'm not trying to pile on with the guilt but you realize you could've been killed. I mean, what was the plan anyway?" He asked, trying not to cry.
"The original plan was to go to Juggie's but I remembered that Jug told me that he didn't want me in the middle of whatever he and his dad were on about. I was going to come back here, but I got lost. So I just started wandering around. My phone was dead so I couldn't call you." y/n said.
"That checks out. Seriously, though, why'd you run?" Sweet Pea asked.
"I was upset and embarrassed with myself. I thought I drove away the person I love." I said, looking down.
"You really love me?" he said, surprised, making me a little frustrated.
"Yes, Sweet Pea. I've always loved you! I just didn't know you loved me back, so I never said anything." I admitted. The awkward silence appeared once more. It was even more sufficating than the last. Nothing was spoken. It was so quiet you could hear us both breathing.
"I meant what I said, y/n. You may think you're broken, but I still see an angel. A different type. You are your own type of angel and I love you." My breathing had steadied hearing those words. I moved closer to him and grabbed his face, making him look at me.
"I love you too." I breathed out, right before I closed the gap between us. It was a slow but passionate kiss. I felt his hands go to my waist as my hands went around his neck. It was like we both needed this right now. We needed each other. We didn't want this moment to end, but we both pulled away. Sweets pulled me into a hug. My head was against his chest while his head was resting on top of mine. Looking up, I asked, "What happens now?"
"We're going to deal with this. You can get past this and I'll be with you through it all. Your dad isn't going to get you, okay?" Sweets asked. "Okay." I replied quietly.

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