Sweets pt.4🌷💔

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First Person P.O.V "Mom?" I choked out, holding back tears. It was like a dream. It wasn't real, it couldn't be real. I started to lose my balance, prompting Sweet Pea to steady me. I still couldn't believe it. Jughead and Toni's faces changed from excited to worried. "Are you okay (Y/N)?" Toni asked. "I'm fine. I really am. It's just... I never thought I see her again." I spoke, looking down. "Why would you think that?" my mother asked, walking towards me. "You never called or contacted me. I never heard from you. I just... The last thing I remembered of you was you leaving. You can't exactly blame me for thinking that." I explained as tears filled my eyes. "(Y/N), I'm sorry, but you need to understand what I did was the best for you. I wasn't able to take care of you. You deserved more than what you got. I know you can't possibly forgive me for leaving you, but can we at least start over. Just you and me? Please?" By then my emotions had leveled out. I had calmed down. I ran towards her and gave her a hug, breaking down in tears. I felt a sense of comfort and security. ~Time Skip~ Second Person P.O.V "You look exhausted." "More like emotionally exhausted." you said, correcting your boyfriend. "So, I'm going to skip over the whole awkward phase of this conversation and just ask, how are you feeling about all this?" Sweets asked so blatantly. "I mean, where do I start? I'm excited but overwhelmed. None of what just happened seems real. I thought she was never coming back. I knew he was never coming back. Turns out my judgment was wrong. Both times." "Listen, you didn't know that any of this would happen. Right now, you need to focus on now. Your mom is back, she came back for you. Your dad... Well, your dad isn't going to hurt you anymore. The only reason that son of a bitch is back is that of his own demented and twisted reasons. You are here now. You're not a 7-year-old trapped in a toxic household. You're also not the girl who was running in the woods. No one can destroy what happened but we can make the future better." Those words made tears spring to your eyes. They made you believe that everything would go uphill from there on out. Promises were sealed in what the Serpent had said. "Is this normal?" you breathed out. "Depends on what you think 'normal' means?" he answered. "Is it normal to feel in a limbo? Like you don't know what's really going on? Why is all this happening now?" "I don't know princess. What I do is that Fangs, Toni, Jughead and I are here for you." Somewhere else in Riverdale... "How are you holding up, Jones? I mean, you've just been sitting there ever since we got here." "I don't know, Toni. Was calling her mother the right decision? I mean, her mother ran to get away from her father and to make sure that she'd be able to see (Y/N) one day." Juggie said with a questioning tone in his voice. "Okay, well. It was either that or risk (Y/N)'s life. I think you did the..." Toni was cut off by banging and pounding on the trailer door. Approaching the door slowly, Jughead opened it slowly to reveal (Y/N)'s father, beaten and bruised, no doubt his condition was a result of Sweet Pea. His temper and rage followed him into the door. Pushing Jughead against the wall, he screamed, "Where is she? I know she's here!" "If you're talking about (Y/N), she's not here. I don't know where she is." the raven-haired boy confessed quickly. "I don't believe you." the man spewed in his face. "He doesn't know! Now leave him alone!" Toni yelled, trying to pull him off Jughead. The father just pushed Toni back as F.P. walked through the threshold of the trailer. Harshly pulling the man off Jug, he pushed him out onto the ground but not before giving him one swift punch to his jaw and warning him. "You come near my son again and you won't be walking out on your two legs. Understand?!" "Are you okay, Jones?" Toni asked, inspecting the boy before her. "I'm fine. Seriously." "Jughead, what the hell was (Y/N)'s father doing here?" F.P. asked enraged at the whole ordeal. "He was looking for her. I told her that she wasn't here. I never told him where she was." Jughead said, frustrated. "Well, we need to find her before he does." "Why? She's safe at Sweet Pea's. It's not like he knows where that is." "Well, he knows she's in this trailer park. It won't that long until he narrows it down." Toni explained, worried. "We have to warn them." Jughead stated. ~Time Skip~ Reader's P.O.V Sweets and I fell asleep on the couch. I was calm, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. We had talked for the remainder of the day. He reassured me that he wasn't going to let my father even speak to me or get within 10 feet of me. I felt safe in his embrace, it's just the fact that my dad is still out there and what if he finds me again?! Just the thought of the different situations gave me severe anxiety. I unlatched from Sweets' grip just to walk around in the small kitchen area. Somehow, pacing always made me feel better. Nothing was working and I ended up on the floor with my head on my knees, silently sobbing. I had faith in Sweet Pea and everyone else, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was brewing and something was about to happen and I can't have that happen to him. Sweet Pea is too important to me. What was it about me that made him willing to die for me? Maybe it's the same reason I'm willing to die for him. "What's wrong, princess?" I just buried my head deeper. "Please tell me. I hate seeing you upset. I've also never seen you this upset, please, I can't fucking stand it to see tears in your eyes." I heard his pleas for me to open up. Telling him will make him more worried and not telling him will make me feel guilty. I started crying harder and realized that I love him and I can tell him anything. Tilting my head up, I spoke in broken up bits. "With him... out there, I-I can't... I don't feel... safe. I trust you... I start... to freak... and I-I don't want you hurt... I love you way too much for that... to happen. Please help me." I could see his dark brown eyes soften more and more with each word. Sweets looked at me and couldn't say anything. Instead, he just pulled me closer and kissed me. It was gentle and warming. He held me as if I was glass and I could break at any moment. My arms were around his neck as his were holding me by the waist. I figured out that I didn't feel safe in his trailer or any place. I only felt protected in his arms. There was something about the embrace that was comforting and protective. I let Sweet Pea help me and I wasn't going to stop now. I don't want to let go. The silence that followed the kiss was beautiful. Sweets held me closer than ever, drawing circles on my back to soothe me. I began to fall asleep until a violent banging startled me. Getting up, we both walked over to the door, revealing the most horrific sight I've seen in my life. Second Person P.O.V "Well, hello (Y/N). Thought you could hide, I told you that I would find you. Not shocked that you were hiding out with this one." your dad spoke bitterly, increasing the uneasy feeling that had washed over you. "She's not going anywhere with you." Sweet Pea stated with a warning tone. "Well, she doesn't have a choice." your father started as he walked in, trying to get closer to you. Sweet Pea acting as the barrier between you two, he spoke up again. "I already got to your mother and Jones' son. Now unless you want to add your boyfriend here to my line of fire, I suggest you come with me. Now." Your father's words frightened you but upon hearing the potential risk you were putting Sweet Pea at, you knew that you had to give in. With tears running down your face, you moved Sweets' arm from in front of you. Turning to look at you, he didn't even need to ask to understand what you were doing. It was written as clear as day of your face. "No. I don't fucking care if I get hurt. You're not leaving. I won't let you leave with this... this... He's not even a person." "Sweets, please. I've dealt with it before. The last thing I need is you to get hurt in the process." It broke your heart to tell him this, you knew it was the right thing to do. "No... Please... I won't let you leave. I can't let you do this." He started, but your father stopped him. "The girl made up her mind. Let's go, (Y/N). We have some father-daughter time to catch up on. Say your final goodbyes or whatever the fuck you need to do." Your father was pulling you by the arm, you thought he would pull it out of its socket. Sweet Pea stood in front of the door, not letting your father leave with you. "I told you that she's not leaving." In an instant, your father threw you back into the wall and used his other hand you knock out the love of your life. Flashbacks from the rumble came back, only this time you didn't think that Sweets would wake up. You ran to him only to be pulled back by your hair. "I told you! You never listen! See him, he's knocked out. Why?! Because of you! Now, since you don't want to listen, I think we need to go back home. Back to where it all started. Now listen, you're going to remember how to act. My daughter won't be disrespectful or selfish." He shook you so hard you felt as if you were going to be sick. The sight of Sweet Pea made you sick to your stomach. "I'm sorry, please I'll listen. Just don't hurt anyone else." You felt a smack on your cheek and something breaking over your head. Holding you up by your shirt, he spoke through gritted teeth, "You don't tell me what to do. Let's go." He pulled you up and dragged you to the car. You knew your time would come, you just didn't think it would end like this. Sweet Pea's P.O.V I woke on the floor of my trailer, instantly seeing broken glass and small drops of blood on the floor and then it hits me hard. He took her. I break down in tears knowing that I couldn't protect her and that she practically gave up her life for me. The last time I saw her was with the most horrific look on her face. She was terrified. (Y/N) could die and it was all my fault! I remember seeing her smile and hearing her laugh, it was like music to my ears. Everything about (Y/N) is amazing. The thought of her being dead or even at risk is stomach churning. "Sweet Pea?" I look to see Toni. "He took her. She's going to die because of me." I sobbed, feeling guilty. "I could've done something. I should've stopped him. I mean, I tried, but..." I completely fell apart. I couldn't help but feel horrible. "She doesn't deserve any of this. (Y/N) is just the most fucking amazing person I've met. She always made me extremely happy and knew how to make me feel just incredible. She means the whole fucking world to me and knowing that she risked herself for me and I couldn't stop her is the worst damn feeling to have! (Y/N) is worth more than anything I could possibly imagine and now she's gone and it's all my fault." More and more tears slide down my face as I just let it all out. I just want to be able to hold her in my arms again. I want to tell her everything will be okay. I want to see her amazing smile and dimples along with her weird sense of humor and hear her hilarious laugh when she realizes she got whipped cream on her nose. The memories and thoughts are just pulling more and more sobs. I start to calm down once Toni hugs me tightly. "Sweets, we're going to get her back. We won't let her die." She tells me. "Yeah, I'll stop eating before I let my best friend die." Jones says, trying to lighten the mood. "Also, as much as you hate him, we need Archie's help. He's her cousin. He deserves to know." Jughead tells me. "I don't care who needs to come in or what needs to happen. I just want her back, safe and alive." I state, my voice full of emotion. "Let's go get (Y/N) back."

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