Sweets pt.1🌷💔

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Sweet Pea X Reader

Reader P.O.V
"In effective immediately, Southside Highschool will be shut down. We will welcome all new students with open arms" Principle Weatherbee announced over the loudspeaker. y/n 's eyes glowed. "Sweets is coming..coming here?!?" Jughead nodded. Jug was y/n's best friend since before she could remember, and Sweet Pea, well Sweet Pea was the boy who she adored. Loved even. He was her best friend, and he was coming here. To HER school! Before you could blink the serpents kicked the doors open to the school. "Sweet Pea" y/n yelled and jumped towards him. He caught you and spun you around while you gripped onto his Serpent Jacket. "Y/n!!! Heyyy"
"I missed you." Y/n said as he pulled you in for a hug. Sweet Pea was the one thing that made y/n happy. Y/n was abused by her father for 7 years of her life. Her parents faught all the time and he took it out on y/n. He would always say the she was the reason the fought, and that she was a mistake, and big mistake. He left when she was 7. Her mom turned to alcohol to releive her self, but transformed into an alchoholic. At 8 years old y/n ran away. She stepped foot in Riverdale and knew that this was her home. Ever since she has been living with her unle Fred and her cousin Archie. She found Sweet Pea when she was at Sweetwater Bridge. She was just lying there, crying, breaking down over the fact that she was all alone. Sweet Pea was passing by and ran up to the y/c/h girl curled up against the railing of the bridge. "Hey are you ok?" He asked sweetly. y/n looked up and fainted. She had anxiety ever since the first time her father hit her. Sweet Pea picked her up and took her to his trailer. When she woke up, they jad a deep conversation. Mostly about her backstory, what happened with her dad, her anxiety attacks. Ever since then y/n and Sweet Pea were best friends. They hung out after schook everyday. She was the one that gave Sweetpea his Serpent Jacket when he was getting initiated into the Serpents, and he was the one that comforted her everytime she broke down.

"C'mon Sweets, ill show you the lounge."
He smiled and nodded as she held his wrist leading him to the lounge. You saw Reggie blabbering on about how the Serpents dont belong here. Reggie then locked eyes with Sweet Pea. "y/n what is he doing here?" Reggir asked rolling his eyes, then glaring at you. "The Bulldogs don't own the lounge, Reggie." You replied.
"Well, they do now. Just like we've owned this school." Reggie started, getting close to Sweet Pea.
"The Bulldogs own the place. You or your serpent friends aren't going to change anything. Hell, you guys shouldn't even be here. Like Cheryl said, take your ways and..." Reggie didn't finish because you cut him off with a right hook to his face. "Listen, you bitch, these people, my friends, deserve an education and everything we got. You know it's people like you who have been divided the town! You and your god-damn one-sided thinking! So, I suggest you apologize before I make your eyes a matching set again."
"What if I don't?" Reggie just loves pushing people's buttons. Then you just made a huge mistake. You went to walk towers him to punch him until you felt someone pulling you out of the lounge. You freaked out and started to panic. You felt faint and you couldn't breathe. You started shaking and you tried to break free but they had their grip on you too tight. The principal had some staff pull you away from the scene and right into his office. You felt your anxiety attack grow more severe and you didn't know long it would be before you saw black. You saw Sweet Peas eyes lock with yours before being pulled away to the office. Sweet Pea watched as they drug y/n down the hallway and into Weatherbee's office. He knew she was having an anxiety attack and all the teachers did was treat her like an object to be thrown around. Sweets had tried to run and help you but Toni held him back. Sweets never took his eyes off you as he started crying. He loved y/n and she would do anything for her.

Sweet Pea P.O.V
What the hell, Toni we have to help her?!" Sweet Pea yelled.
"Listen, the last thing y/n needs is you running in and freaking her out more by beating a teacher up!" Toni replied.
"I'd rather that happen then have her faint while being dragged down the hallway!" Sweet Pea yelled.
"Why would that happen?!"
"She has anxiety. If it gets too bad, she'll pass out." Sweets said, trying to calm down.
"How do you know about this?" Toni asked, concerned.
"Because it happened they day we met! She told me all about it, thats why we are friends!" Sweets admitted. Toni ran a hand through her hair, tears rimming her eyes.
"What are we going to do? They're not going to just let her out. She punched someone. Almost knocked them out." Toni said.
"I don't know!" He yelled feeling anger run through his body.
"Toni! Sweet Pea! What the hell is going on?!" Jughead said running up to them. "Whoa. SP, you okay?" Jug asked.
"Not the time, Jones." Toni said coldly.
"Let's go get y/n . Now." Fangs told them.
"We can't. They're not just going to let her out. She punched the captain of the football team. Whose word are they going to trust more?!" Toni exclaimed.
"I don't care what happens. She's not staying in there. She'll faint." Sweet Pea said.

Reader P.O.V
I remember seeing Sweet Pea's eyes lock with mine as they dragged me down the hall. He tried to help me but Toni stopped him, knowing what would happen. I'm practically thrown into the office, right in front of Principal Weatherbee.
"Listen, I know you need to talk to me. I just need a minute." I tried explaining. My anxiety had calmed down but I didn't need a bunch of questions thrown at me. It would only make things worse.
"Ms. L/n, I don't think you understand what's happening here. You punched another student. Why?"
"I couldn't help it! He was insulting my friends!" I yelled.
"That isn't a reason to provoke violence!" "Well, maybe you should tell that 'golden boy' of a football player not to mess with me or my friends. Also, try to remind him that the Bulldogs don't own the damn school." I said, calming down. Leaving on that, I walked out of his office. I was still shaken up but not the point where it was dangerous. The way those teachers grabbed me reminded me of how it was before I came to Riverdale. Being pulled off and thrown around brought back some horrific memories. The yelling from the principal didn't help either. Just thinking about it made me break down in the hallway. Luckily, it was empty. I just sat there, crying out all my anger and sadness. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I heard voices and running footsteps toward me. I tuned it all out and just kept crying. "y/n!" It was my friends. I looked up to see them more upset and worried than me. 
"y/n! is it about your parents?" Juggie asked. He already knew I'd told him before.
"What about her parents?" Toni asked, crying. Sweet Pea got down to my level and tilted my head up. "You want to tell us? You don't have to if you don't" He said, trying to calm me down. 
"No. You guys deserve to know the truth."

"What?" was all he could say.
"My dad, he came back. He found me, as he put it." You explained.
"You talked to him?" Sweet pea said, looking the girl with sorrowful eyes.
"He called me. I got home from school and seen I had a missed call. I called them back and my dad said he was in Riverdale. That he wasn't going to let my mother take me away again. He'd said that he had found me and that he was on his way to see me." You explained, trying not to cry.
"That's why you didn't want to go home." You only nodded at the statement. You just let the tears fall down your face. You've never been more scared.
"Listen, you can stay here. Or at Jug's. Anywhere but your house, until he's gone." Sweet Pea said.
"What if he doesn't leave? Or what if he finds me here? Or what if..." You said, trying to stay calm, but not being able to.
"Hey. Look at me. He's not going to find you. Even if he does, it doesn't matter because he's not going to get near you. Don't think about all that right now. Think about this moment, right here, right now." Sweets explained, in the calmest voice he could speak. He always found a way to calm you down, no matter what. It was like he was your safe haven. Nothing could touch while you were in his arms. It was a feeling of comfort that neither of you could think of losing.

Sweet Pea P.O.V
I couldn't believe what was happening. I couldn't believe what she was going through. According to her, she'd had dealt with this person for most of her childhood. I just wanted to protect her and tell her that nothing was going to happen to her. She kept telling me that she was broken, but she was still an angel to me.
"You know, sometimes I wonder how different things could've been. If my mom didn't start drinking or if my dad wasn't the way he was. I always ask myself why he was though." She said crying.
y/n said, her voice was mostly broken.
"What do you mean?" I asked while pulling her hair out of her face. Even though she was crying, I still saw perfection.
"I always heard these stories about my parents when they were young before I was born. They sounded so happy. My dad always called me the reason why he and Mom always fought. What if he was right? They sounded so happy before I was born. Maybe I really was the reason they fought. I caused their downfall. I always thought that my dad was wrong, that what he said wasn't true. Turns out he was right."
She thought that she caused all this? I'd never had seen this side of y/n. She'd usually been so calm and collected. y/n acted like nothing was wrong. I saw a different side of her. A vulnerable side that she never showed to anyone.
"That can't be right. He wasn't right. You, an angel, causing a fight? It's impossible. It's more than impossible." I breathed out, kinda frustrated that y/n thought of herself like this. "Nothing's impossible." She said.
"Stop. Just stop. Don't talk about yourself like that. You aren't the reason. No one said you are." I said almost yellinh
"But I am! I know it! I've always known! I screwed my life up! I'm shocked I haven't screwed yours up in the process." She yelled.
I stood there in tears. I didn't know who i was standing in front of. She was broken. This girl, who I come to love, was standing there in hysterics.
"I'm sorry. I just... I didn't mean to... I'm so sorry I... I have to go." She let out.
y/n was so shaken up she couldn't speak.
"y/n..." I tried to reach out to her, but she ran out before I had the chance. I ran out after her. It was freezing with pouring rain, I could barely see, but I was too late. She was gone.

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