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Apolline's greatest fear was realized, she had witnessed a plane crash and she was well aware that the experience would more or less haunt her for as long as she lived. That is if she survived the crash. Not knowing if you were going to live or die was more terrifying than anything on Earth. She didn't want to open her eyes, she didn't want to see what had happened to everyone on the plane. The fear of not knowing seemed to out weigh anything else at this point, so she opened her eyes every once in a while. The pain she felt from her head was heavy, and almost suffocating. "M-mom...?", she asked what looked like a shadow before her. Apolline's thoughts of course were scrambled, she didn't fully see anything due to her fading in and out of consciousness.

Apolline felt like she was under water, and she couldn't get enough oxygen to breath. Was she under water, that she did not know. Her mind was racing, and her body was numb which was a blessing and a curse. She didn't know for sure if she had any broken limbs or not, and she wanted to know but couldn't bring herself to wake up. Apolline felt honestly fed up and so she forced herself to open her eyes and move her body. "God...", was all she could say. The plane was literally torn in half, debris from the plane was everywhere before her. Bodies of the passengers were no doubt on the plane, but she realized something. She was outside of the plane, which meant someone or something moved her there. "...!", she noticed something walking out of the remains of the plane. Her mind was slowly trying to catch up on what had happened, as she struggled to her feet. She didn't know who or what was walking out of the plane, but she needed to find her parents.

"Who are y-!?!", she froze up as the view of the thing was some kind of animal but it walked on two legs like her. They stood taller than her, they probably were taller than a pro basketball player. Apolline was stunned for the creature had scales similar to that of a crocodile but they were a dark green almost black. Whatever this thing was, it could no doubt kill her. She shivered when she saw that they were looking at her, eyes that belonged to a predator. Apolline felt like running, but she couldn't.

She blinked when she heard a gurgling sound, it was coming from the humanoid crocodile that was looking at her. She didn't know what to say in return, she looked to the plane and back at the creature quite fast. Apolline didn't know if she was dreaming or not, she also didn't notice that the air was different and very humid. Her focus was on her parents and this human. Was it a human or was it a animal!?!

"P-please...!?!", she was about to say something to them but they approached her quickly as well as picked her up in their arms. "H-hey!?!", she yelled in her surprise she also took notice of how quickly she was lifted. Apolline looked at them in utter confusion, she didn't know if they could understand her or not. Whoever they were, they wore fangs like jewelry. That scared her, to see teeth around their neck like some kind of trophy was just bizarre and inhuman. Apolline blinked for she was carried to the plane, her expression displayed her surprise. Did they understand her, or was this a lucky guess? She didn't look at them, she honestly didn't know what they would do if she looked at them. She was at their mercy and she knew that.

Apolline was then lowered down onto the plane floor, the plane was in very rough shape. The many bodies of the passengers who died really fazed her more than she thought. She shivered and closed her eyes, she shook her head trying her best to shake the negative thoughts. If anything she was bracing for the worst, for she didn't know if her parents survived or not. "Just a deep breath.", she quietly told herself softly as she looked around. She didn't see her parents bodies, not seeing them gave hint to two possible options. They could be alive or something else took them. Two options quickly shifted to every possible option now as she looked around the plane in her panic. "Mom!?! Dad!?!", she sobbed loudly as her fear quickly consumed her.

She was shivering as tears fell from her eyes, she blinked back a few tears when she saw the booklet about the Bermuda Triangle upon the floor. She softly lowered down to pick up the book as she looked it over carefully. One of the corners were faintly burned, but it looked somewhat good. Apolline looked at the booklet for sometime before remembering all that had happened. The large abyss like crater, and the unexplained storm. All these things came flooding into her thoughts. Did she enter the crater? Was the Bermuda Triangle really a real thing and not a hoax? Apolline was left speechless as she slowly stood up, her head slowly moved to look back at the humanoid. She blinked though noticing they were not there, and she looked around fast in her shock.

"H-hello?", she asked in a very shaky tone. It was quite clear she was still shaken from the whole process, and her body really begun to feel bad and exhausted. The whole experience really did a number on her, and she knew that. The numbness was leaving her body, more or less her adrenaline was slowly wearing off. She slowly walked out of the remains of the plane, she looked around now taking in the environment. The plane was in the middle of some kind of intense swamp like jungle, the air was stale with mud and moss. "No way...", she was beyond dumbfounded.

Was she really here? This had to be a dream right? The Bermuda Triangle was just a hoax! Apolline honestly didn't know what to make of the whole thing, and that really frustrated her. Is there a chance that she has officially lost her mind? She jumped hearing a familiar gurgling sound and she looked to where it came from. They didn't leave her? She looked at them in curiosity. Eyes of sharp gold, pupils that were very different from her own. Teeth jewelry around their reptile like neck and wrists, attire made from what she assumed to be animal hides. She noticed something, they wore a ripped fur scarf and had a scar in between their eyes. What kind of world has she entered?

Apolline didn't know if they were male or female, heck she didn't know if she can fully trust them or not. With that in mind, why did she feel happy that they didn't leave her? "Um...", she softly spoke looking at them. "I'm Apolline and you are?", she carefully asked them while holding the booklet in her arms. Her clothes were undoubtedly dirty and faintly damaged from the crash. A deep gruntled sound came from them in response, which made her look down. They obviously have their own language, and that made her feel so alienated. How can she speak to them? Apolline looked up and when she did, her eyes went wide and she gasped loudly.

They were up close to her, she looked up at them in surprise and intimidation. She didn't know for sure if they mean her harm or not, and that honestly terrified her to no end. Apolline closed her eyes as she felt their hand touch her face, she squeezed her lips tightly not wanting to make a sound. How on earth did it ever come to this. She opened her eyes to look lightly at them and she looked bewilderedly at them. They had moved away from her by taking a step back. "D-do you have a name..?". Why on earth was she trying to communicate with them so badly? She gasped when she heard a deep grunt coming from them. It wasn't long before she actually heard what sounded like words.


Apolline's mind struggled to pick that up but when she did, she felt somewhat better. Just being able to pick up anything would go a long way for her. She was in a place she did not know, and not knowing if her parents were alive or dead really unsettled her to no end. "Seke?", she said this carefully as she repeated the words. She smiled a bit when she looked at Seke. The one who she figured was named Seke tilted their head which made the teeth jewelry move lightly from the movement. It almost looked like they were looking at her as if waiting to answer something. "M-male or female?", she felt beyond dumb asking this. She clearly had a face that displayed how stupid she felt for asking such a thing. She hoped they wouldn't get offended or mad by her asking this. Apolline showed a face of shock when she thought she heard a response.


Her mind went into a panic flurry, they could speak to her! Once more Seke was a male! Apolline looked embarrassed and exhausted now, she looked at Seke as she nodded politely to him. "Apolline.", she spoke her name again as she softly pointed to herself. She didn't know if he heard her before when she had spoke her name. She pointed to herself in hopes of being more specific. She smiled when he nodded lightly before turning away from her. "Hey!", she quickly followed after Seke but she froze when he pulled something out of the ground nearby. It took her a moment to realize that what he pulled out was a spear made from stone and bone. Oh god, what was he going to do with that! Furthermore, he had a weapon!

He now knows her name and is now going to kill her!?! Apolline looked scared at the weapon, she felt her heart race not knowing what was going to happen next. She sighed though when Seke looked back at her and shifted his head in a "Follow me" gesture before walking. Apolline looked back at the plane before following after Seke. She wanted to find her parents, but she couldn't do that by herself. Figuring that she was in a new place, she had to be mindful of what she does now. How she hoped that her parents were alright. The only thing now was to follow Seke, but she didn't know fully if she can trust him or not. She was in a bad situation now.

She would have to be extra careful, that much she knew. Apolline held the booklet tightly in her arms as she follows after her new acquaintance.

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