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Where were her parents? She had no idea, for all she knew they were on the other side of this strange new world. Apolline was afraid actually, only cause she knew so little about what would happen to them. She honestly still couldn't get over that she was here, and was experiencing this now.

Seke was continuing to direct the animal that they were on, going to a place that she knew little about. Also, she still couldn't speak the language all that well which will be frustrating. Apolline looked to the side, the different animals that she was seeing felt like she was in a dream.

The fact that she saw these animals glow in dark baffled her, and as she watched them closely she didn't want to miss a thing. She looked up at the sky, and she blinked as Seke pulled up the reins of the animals head making it stop. Apolline looked up at Seke curiously in confusion.

That was when she heard a low rumbling sound, it reminded her of some kind of bull crossed with a strong hissing sound. Apolline felt a chill go down her spine, goosebumps appeared on her delicate skin.

Seke abruptly pulled at the reins which made the large lizard move sharply heading into a different direction, a loud roaring hiss exploded behind them. Apolline looked horrified, she couldn't help but look back and when she did, she felt her heart stop. Right behind them was a rather large beast that looked like it came from everyone's nightmares.

Its size was as big as the lizard they were riding on, the hide of the animal was a red bioluminescence color, with long four legs similar to a jaguar. Strange horns made home upon the animals head, as six red eyes glew in the night.

What scared her more about this animal was that it had four mouths as it let out a blood curdling screech as it chased after them. Apolline held on for her life as Seke continued to snap at the reins making the animal that they were on run faster.

The rush of the night air made her head spin, the land that was once open was now beginning to become full with trees as they made their way into a thick dark forest. Seke blinked as the animal they were on ran into a thick old log making the poor thing trip and collapse onto the floor. It was like a car wreck as it did rolls with them on it.

Apolline let out a terrified scream as the world begun to spin, and it was like she was reliving the plane crash again. Seke took a hold of her which made her gasp and he quickly dived off of the animal that they were once on.

Seke held her close as he moved the both of them into a bush, and the large red beast ran by them. Seke narrowed his eyes as he watched his mount die at the hands of the red fiend. Apolline closed her eyes afraid to see the animal die, it was struggling for its life and she knew it.

Seke looked at her before looking up at the red predator, it came out of the ground for it was a ambusher. He noticed the ground burst in front of them, and sadly he couldn't kill the animal that glew red with animosity.

His people were afraid of these deadly animals, and well they had every right to be. They had bone crushing jaws, high stamina, and lethal claws in their arsenal.

Apolline looked up at Seke silently, her expression was really upsetting. She could tell that he liked his mount, and to see it die must of hit him hard. Seke carefully moved her as he moved with her, his eyes kept looking back at the red beast as the both of them walked. Apolline had a hold of her bag, much like Seke for he carried one with a spear in hand.

Apolline had no idea where they were going, for it was still dark out. The little light that she could pick up on was from the moon that was high in the sky. She blinked however when her phone made a light beeping noise, and a strong hiss huffed up behind her.

Of all times for her phone to make a noise, it had to be now.

Seke looked back fast as the red terror screeched out, its large size with its red color made him glare as he took a hold of Apolline's hand and ran. He knew she was hurt, but her wound was properly looked after. Seke hated to make her move when she was hurt, but he had no choice now.

The both of them ran, Apolline was silently swearing in the deep corners of her mind. It was her fault that this was happening, she was also surprised that her phone made a sound. She honestly thought that it couldn't work here, so why was it working now?

Seke stopped at a fairly high ravine, crystal blue colored water could be seen below. Apolline looked down the ravine before looking back as she saw the many bushes behind them vanish due to something very large and deadly closing in.

Apolline blinked suddenly as Seke pulled her close, and at that moment he jumped off with her. She closed her eyes as they fell, dirt kicked up seconds after they jumped off into the ravine as the blood thirsty beast screamed loudly in its anger behind them. Her body then made contact with a bone chilling cold, for they were in the water.

It was dark, the muffled sounds of rushing water was all that she could make out. She was cold and disoriented, and she didn't know if she was alive or not.

Flashes of dreams came in and out before her, her family and friends made her heart swell up with so many emotions. Would she be able to see her family again? What about her friends and her boyfriend? All these things really made her head spin, which was probably normal all thanks to the circumstances.

Seke slowly carried a unconscious Apolline out of the rushing waters, her eyes shook softly as she mumbled. That was a risky move but if he hadn't of jumped, the both of them would of died much like his mount. Seke looked at her curiously and frowned taking notice of the color in her face.

She would probably catch a cold or worse if he didn't make a fire now.

Seke walked a good way into the forest, his eyes were alert as he tried to find a safe place for them to rest during the night. He stopped after finding a spot, and begun right away in making a fire.

It didn't take long for him to make one, thanks to the sticks and rocks that he was able to find and use around them. Seke looked at her silently with concern before sitting down in front of the fire with Apolline now in his lap.

It was strange to him that she looked different, but at the same time he was fascinated by her. She was rather delicate and fragile unlike him and his people. A cold rushing water could about kill her, while it did little to nothing to him. His large hand touched her head softly, and he immediately felt that she was starting to shake.

Seke narrowed his eyes as he looked at her, and it was cause he knew little of her kind. The only thing that kept creeping up within his mind was that he had to keep her warm which was what he was going to do.

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