Village Life

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Apolline took notice of the overwhelming amount of heat, it was not normal to her. All of this was not normal to her. A plane crash, meeting a strange person, and now following them to a place where he would most likely place her on the menu. To be fair though, he didn't try to hurt her though he could of easily done so by now. Perhaps, he was a kind person? She had to be careful now, but she also didn't want to explore this place alone. Apolline felt completely drained from all that has happened, she honestly didn't know what was real anymore. All she knew was that she was already dead, and all this was just a dead dream. She blinked though once she noticed Seke had stopped and was looking back at her. His features seemed so fierce and unfriendly. Apolline felt her heart sink as she glanced over to the weapon in his hands.

Apolline then blinked fast when she noticed he had turned to fully face her. She shivered silently before she gave a small smile. Seke merely tilted his cranium to her in question. For a moment there was a awkward silence. Apolline was about to say something when she noticed something behind Seke, it appeared to be house like structures. Wait, did he seriously bring her to his home?

It was like a little community, structures that looked like little cabins and the locals all looked like Seke. She also noticed that the females looked different from the males. Apolline felt really bad about asking the gender but she didn't know! The females looked like monitor lizards due to their light skin colors. Light brown to a soft cocoa color while the males all looked like Seke with their crocodile like armored bodies. She also noticed little children running around having fun. Apolline was a little stunned, they didn't appear to be hostile people though most of everyone mainly the males wore teeth like jewelry. She looked at Seke who stared at her like a curious child, and to be honest she didn't like him staring at her. It made her feel odd, like she didn't belong there. Of course she would feel like this. The place was beyond different than anything she would of expect!

Apolline uncomfortably looked away and when she did, her eyes grew wide when she heard a loud snarl. She jumped but blinked seeing Seke getting in front of her, almost like a guard. Why was he protecting her? She slowly looked from behind Seke to see a large brute who stood a good head taller than Seke. Apolline was more afraid of the fact that the guy had what looked like tusks coming out of his lower jaw. Seke didn't seem fazed by the others intimidating display however as he stood there like a statue. Apolline looked terrified as she looked at the brute, they were talking in a completely different tongue to her. All that she could make out was crocodile like sounds.

"What is this disgusting thing you brought here, Seke?"
"I found her from dead remains of a large bird."

Apolline watched the brute who was literally covered in scars twist his face in disgust. He wasn't like Seke, since he looked like your typical crocodile. He was as green as moss, but had tusks upon his lower lips. She couldn't help but stare at him, she was more scared of the guy only cause everyone showed submission to him. She looked at Seke silently, he showed no submission. This made her question something's, she didn't understand how things were done here.

"Large bird? Pfft! She will do nicely for food."

Apolline felt a bad shiver go down her spine, Seke had said something that didn't sit well with the brute who now looked pissed off. She didn't know what to say or do in this situation. Her eyes went wide as the brute glared at her, she honestly could feel the hate coming from him. So much for not being hostile. Apolline for once in her life wished she could go back in time, she didn't want to be here.

"You are going to protect this thing! Have you seriously lost your mind!"
"She means no harm. If you want her then you got to go through me, Veles."

Apolline looked at Seke silently, she slowly picked up another word and she guessed that this word was a name. Veles. Was that what the brute was called, the one that looks at her in such disgust and hatred. Apolline blinked as she felt hands upon her, she was then softly moved away from the one known as Veles. She looked at Seke carefully, he was trying hard in keeping her safe. Why though? She didn't fully understand why he was doing this. Granted, she was glad that he meant her no harm but she expected him to react to her negatively. Compared to the others, she was greatly different from them. As such, she would be treated like a abomination. So why did Seke see to her protection?

Apolline wanted to ask him so many things, it was some what clear he some what understood her. Seke had brought her to his home which broke her thoughts, she was quite surprised due to the fact of how comfortable it was. She looked at Seke with a unsettling feeling coming over her, wasn't he going to be treated badly for protecting her?

Apolline couldn't help but feel paranoid, she was in a place where if she was left alone she may face a horrible death. She wanted so badly to find her parents and get out of here. How though? How could she get out of a large crater? She honestly didn't know on how she was going to get out of here. She also didn't want to think of the other possibility. That she could be trapped there, forever. Apolline blinked when she heard a faint laugh, she looked up and noticed Seke looking at her. Why was he laughing at her? She looked away before glancing at him, her expression became shocked when Seke threw something at her. She moved her hands to remove the thing from her face, it took her then to notice he threw a blanket at her.

She looked at the blanket made of many furs, she felt so different. That was probably cause everyone here wore fur clothes and teeth jewelry. Was that the new fashion statement here? Apolline looked down at her own clothes, she looked completely bad in the clothes she had on. Thanks to the crash of course, it pretty much did a number on her. She blinked then and there. She forgot to get her bag and phone!

Apolline groaned in her frustration, she forgot them. She didn't want to lose her phone and bag, they were important to her! She looked outside and remembered the situation she was in. She couldn't walk outside knowing full well that someone out there wants her dead. Apolline was so focused on her thoughts that she didn't notice that Seke was close to her. She jumped feeling a hand touch her shoulder, she looked at him surprised. She blinked though when Seke looked at the door.

Apolline looked greatly surprised when she slowly looked at the door as well. There was a female standing there holding what looks like a plate. "Uh, hello?", Apolline spoke this kindly to the female and she looked surprised when the female smiled to her. Did she understand her? After a moment the female walked over to her and handed her the plate with what looks like cooked meat on it. Apolline nodded softly which made the female smile brightly in response. The sounds coming from her were similar to that of a cat purring. Apolline couldn't help but smile, the female was kind from what she could tell. She also noticed that the female was a bit shorter than her, perhaps she was younger than her?

She didn't know how age works here as well, as far as she could tell was the difference between males and females. Apolline softly spoke to the female, "I'm Apolline." Her eyes eased when the female placed her hands together and placed them in front of her chest, "Hurit!"

Apolline was aware of the strange names, she also smiled nodding to Hurit. She has met at least two kind people, but she couldn't help but feel uneasy. Her parents could be out there meeting god knows what, she hoped they were safe. Apolline had to make a plan, she had to if she was going to find her parents. She blinked though when Seke sat down on the floor, Hurit on the other hand watched her intently like a little sister having made food for her big sister. Apolline looked at the meat and softly placed some in her mouth. The meat was cooked well, but she had to think of what this meat was. She smiled to Hurit not wanting to be rude to her. She was rewarded however with a hug which made her gasp in surprise.

Apolline smiled a bit, the plate still in her hands as well as the tiny booklet that resided underneath her right arm. Hurit jumped up and down happily having been praised for her food. Apolline looked outside again, she would have to go back to where the plane was crashed. She had to get her things and then work hard in making a plan. She wanted to be reunited with her parents, she had to see if they were okay. As the sun began to decline, the night was slowly approaching. Apolline had drifted off into sleep, unaware to her she was placed in a makeshift bed by Seke.

Tomorrow held a lot of unexplained things, and the journey to find her parents would become strongly difficult.

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