The Choice

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Apolline was reunited with her parents at long last and was extremely happy to see them again, but there was one thing that was on the corner of her mind.

What would happen now?
After all she had gone through so much to find her parents. Not to mention she traveled with Seke and survived with him for a full solid month, which was not much. Still she was indebted to him and his kindness from day one.

Apolline merely petted Python as she smiled at her parents, she then gave Seke and Vaekun the same smile. She wanted her parents to know that Seke and Vaekun were nice. Well Seke was but she was not so sure about Vaekun, but she honestly believed that he was a nice individual. Up until someone angers or annoys him anyway, seeing that he didn't like the seagulls so well.

"Python, Seke, and Vaekun have helped me to find you guys.", comforted Apolline for her parents looked a little unsure of her new friends.

Seke and Vaekun were humanoid in appearance though reptilian, and looked quite intimidating. So it was not surprising that her parents were concerned about their safety.

"So they helped you..?", asked her father.

"Yes. I honestly owe them a lot.", replied Apolline with a smile.

As she talked with her parents, Seke looked at Vaekun who was watching them talk. The look on his face seemed a little troubled as he leaned a bit toward Seke and asked. "What are they sayin?"

Seke merely shrugged with a smile in response to Vaekun's croaking question. He knew that would irk Vaekun, for he didn't say anything. It definitely did, cause in the next second Vaekun leaned away from Seke and grumbled in annoyance while crossing his arms as his tail flicked.

Though he didn't know what she was saying to her parents, she honestly looked very happy. Just seeing her happy was enough for Seke, for he was able to reunite her with her parents. Apolline has literally been through so much, and it shows. She was so much stronger than when she was when he had first met her.

Seke was proud of her, and was glad to have known her for as long as he had.

Deep down in his heart he knew that she would be happier with her parents just like him being happy with his own people. Seeing her smile to them proved it, for that smile she gave to her parents was so bright and genuine.

It hurt honestly though, for his time with her was coming to an ending. He knew it.

Seke closed his eyes before opening them again when a thought crossed his mind. Apolline had bought him something so it was now time to return the favor. Seke slowly got off his mount which gained Vaekun's attention, not that he thought anything of it. His eyes looked away from Seke and retuned on the three chatting people in front of him, who he didn't understand. Seke who now was walking a bit away from Apolline began looking on the beach shore. Looking for something to give to Apolline.

His tribe customs were so different yet respectful to other tribes, or that was what he had thought. All tribes were different in how they run things.

It was customary to give a female who they like a hand made necklace charm. Some even go so far as to give a fang and make it into a necklace charm to give to their mate.

It was embarrassing for him to want to make her a necklace charm, but he knew that this would be their last time together. For they would soon part ways. He wanted to give her something in hopes that she remembers him in some way. Without a doubt, he will never forget her and the time they had spent together. Apolline was someone who he liked and so he must be true to his feelings in some way. The only way to show it was to make her a hand made necklace charm.

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