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The laughter continued, for the people in this tribe were having a grand time. Vaekun was still laughing loudly in his enjoyment, while keeping a hold of Apolline who was very much uncomfortable. She looked at Seke and Python who were trapped, while she to was trapped.

So much for thinking that these people were kind, after all they locked Seke in a cell. Apolline cautiously looked around herself, and she could see that the so many people here were afraid of Vaekun. For good reason of course, since the brute was large as well as he was powerful.

She honestly had to find a way out of this mess, but how could she. It was not like Vaekun was going to simply let her go, but if she didn't do anything right away then she would be forced to marry this brute. Just the images of that marriage made her flinch in a disturbed manner.

The sounds of laughter seemed to continue, while Seke continued to watch over Apolline from where he was. His eyes were sharp as he glared at Vaekun. Seke after sometime looked at Python who was still trying to get out of the cage, but to no avail.

Biagio was sitting in front of the bonfire, and Seke looked at him silently from where he was. This whole process of him looking around right now, was Seke trying to figure out some kind of plan to get out of here. He was a excellent spear fighter, and he knew his way out of locks. If he could figure out the right time to escape, then they could avoid fighting.

But the more he looks at Vaekun, the more he begins to think that fighting could not be fully avoided. The brute was large and he was extremely moody from what he could tell.

Seke took a deep breath as he snapped his finger at Python, and the large lizard looked up at him in question. Giving the lizard a kind look, Seke looked up at Apolline for he knew what to do. Fighting maybe unavoidable but he would fight for her sake. He was her protector and he would probably remain as such until she finds her parents.

Seke didn't mind it, after all he has been taking care of her for quite sometime now. He felt very prided in himself for he was able to teach her their language. Apolline was a kind person, who was very eager to explore this world with him. She was gentle and sweet, and it shows for the large lizard known as Python loved her to death.

Oddly enough he to was affected by her kindness, for he was beginning to feel for her as well. More than normal. At first he was curious of her and quite intrigued by her and her differences, but now he just couldn't help himself. He would watch her while she was busy doing something, which in turn made his heart race. When she slept at night, he would watch over her as she slept.

Just all of this made his mind a mess, for he found himself thinking such selfish thoughts at times. He wanted to help her really he did, but he was afraid. She would most likely stay with her parents but then what would he do after. Go home probably but then what would he do at home.

Seke didn't even want to think about that, but the more time that they share together. The more he just couldn't help himself. This was why he began thinking about other things, things that were negative.

Apolline must have someone else, and he made himself believe this. Cause if he didn't do it would it be even harder to let her go. Sure, it all happened for him to quickly but that was what happens when one gets to know the other more.

Seke was going to help her find her parents and he was going to make her happy. Even if he couldn't find happiness himself, at least he could help Apolline find happiness. His eyes looked at Apolline curiously before he closed his eyes in thought. He would have to wait until the night time fully comes, and when it does will he put his escape plan into action.

The sounds slowly began to die down when the darkness began to fall over the tribe camp. Apolline looked fearful for she didn't know what was going to happen to her next. She looked at the tribespeople who were beginning to turn in, and she gasped as she was lifted up easily.

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