Moving Forward

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For many days and for many nights, Apolline has been tending to Seke and his injuries. He was slowly getting better, though he still couldn't move as much as he would like. Vaekun was still with them, and at times Apolline would see him talking to his scouts in the distance while she sat beside Seke who was resting. Vaekun showed so much kindness to her, and he even protected them from harm. Even Python liked the guy, only cause he would feed him strips of meat that he would get from after going out on a hunt.

Apolline felt so much better with Vaekun around but there were times where she would be scared to go to sleep at night. She didn't doubt that Vaekun was a strong warrior, but what would happen if something bigger comes in and defeats him. The more she thought about it, the more scared and paranoid she would get.

The crackling of the fire was a soothing sound, and with it a soft warm glow that came from the fresh flames. Apolline was looking at the fire while hugging her knees to her chest while Vaekun sat down a bit away from her while eating a strip of meat silently. Python was beside him of course, looking at the meat like a curious dog though he wasn't one.

Apolline looked at the side at Seke who was asleep, which eased her soul as she smiled lightly. Every time that he woke up, Seke would apologize for being a burden. It was always like that and she would always tell him that it was alright. She just wanted to soothe him as much as possible, and in by doing so he would relax and then recover.

She was still serious about her promise, and she was going to keep it. Seke and her had been through so much together and she wanted to finish it together.

This world was something that she had never seen before, and in her wildest dreams she could never believe that such a place was real. A book of the Bermuda Triangle had told her of such things, but she never thought that they existed. But here she was, and by coming here she met Seke and his sister along with his people. Apolline was slowly adapting to this place and learned the language of Seke's people. She was of course still learning but she felt that she was closer to him, after all they had been through so much together already.

Her parents were close and she was so very close to meeting them again after all this time. Still she couldn't help but think about it. What would she do when she got there? Well it was to be expected that she would feel emotional about it. Even so, what would Seke do afterwards?

Apolline glanced at him and his sleeping face, she just didn't know what would happen when they do meet her parents again. It was normal to want to be with her parents but she also thought about having Seke stay with her and her parents. Though that was probably asking to much, seeing that his village was so far away and he had a sister waiting for his arrival back home.

She didn't know what to do and so decided to call it a night. She got up and spoke her good night to Vaekun who nodded toward her in a friendly nod. Python remained by Vaekun however for that meat was to tempting to pass up.

Apolline laid down beside Seke who had been her protector since the first day they had met. He didn't have to be nice to her but he was. She would be forever indebted to him for as long as she lives that much was certain. At some point, she actually fell asleep and this could be due to her not sleeping much as well as working hard to take care of Seke in his wounded state.

As she slept, Seke opened his eyes slowly as the call of birds of the lunar night sang their hypnotic song. Slowly sitting up did he take notice of Apolline who was laying beside him asleep on her side.

Seke's eyes softened toward her and he didn't even realize what he was doing as he kissed the side of her head. A gentle peck of his lips, though it was viewed as a kiss to his people it was more of a nuzzle to those who don't know their views or customs. After it had been done did he flinch and look down in a shy manner before hearing a deep chuckle. Lifting his head he saw Vaekun who was chuckling at him with a mischievous smirk. Looks like he had been caught.

"I knew you loved her, course you're married so~", teases Vaekun whose head leaned toward Seke in a prying way.

Seke closed his eyes trying to ignore him, that and Apolline had said that he thinks they were married and to just play along which was rather embarrassing. The reason for such a thing is that by playing along he wouldn't try taking Apolline again.

Vaekun smirked at Seke trying to ignore him, but the words out of Seke's mouth made Vaekun look at him curiously. "Tell me do you have any mounts?"

"I do why?", asked Vaekun with a raised brow.

Seke looked at him seriously, "I would never ask this of anyone but in my state we will never reach the place that we are going, we need them if we are going to get to that place faster. Will you help us?"

Vaekun looked at him silently before nodding as his head lowered in a strong but curt way. "I reckon. From what I think we need three?"

Seke nodded in his gratitude, "Thank you. We need to leave, seeing that it is my fault that we were held back for so long."

Vaekun sort of chuckled as he stood up, he then threw a few left over strips of meat to Seke which of course he caught in a bit of surprise. "I'll be back then in a bit."

Seke watched him walk off, while looking at the meat in silence though he looked at Python who tilted his head at him now curiously. Smiling some what, Seke threw some meat to the lizard and watched as it gobbled it up happily as its tongue flicked.

That night Seke watched over Apolline with Python beside him. It became the morning rather quickly and Vaekun had returned with his mounts who were large Komodo like dragons with saddles on their backs. This noise got Apolline's attention as she woke up from her sleep. She soon gasp when she saw that Seke was sitting on a mount, and this surprised her. "Seke!", she asked running over to him.

Seke looked at her and he calmly smiled toward her, he seemed better to her but she was still worried about him and his condition. "Shouldn't you be resting!?!", she asked him as tears began to brim under her eyes.

"I rested enough besides it is about time we see your parents.", spoke Seke in earnest. He had made his mind up already. "If I need to I will rest okay?", he said this soon after seeing her eyes begin to fill up with her tears.

"Okay!", sighed Apolline as she smiled at him. She wiped her eyes but blinked them as Vaekun handed her the reins of her lizard mount which made her smile softly as she took it.

"You may need to help her?", spoke Seke looking at Vaekun. "She isn't familiar with our mounts."

Vaekun laughed at Seke which made him frown some, "Don't fret so much after your wife! I am sure she can handle it! Besides, I picked a mount which won't give her a hard time!"

Apolline sort of laughed at Seke's face, as she walked to the large lizard and hopped on. Once she was settled on the saddle did she let out a sigh, for it was a bit of a hassle to get on something which was a bit bigger than a horse.

Vaekun laughed praising her, which got Seke's attention for he frowned more. His eyes soon looked at Apolline who smiled at him and he couldn't help but smile back toward her before snapping his reins as the lizard moved forward slowly.

Apolline looked at Vaekun who was packing the rest of their belongings onto her mount. He smirked as he picked up Python who was squirming for he was not use to being picked up. "I'll carry the pack lizard!"

Apolline showed her concern, "Careful!"

Vaekun laughed loudly while carrying Python on his shoulder as he walked to his mount which was rather larger than the two mounts that they were on. "Don't worry about him! He's in good hands!"

Apolline couldn't help but smile though she was concerned for Python. She then looked at the reins and she took a deep breath as she snapped the reins much like Seke did. Gasping audibly did she feel the strength of her mount as it moved forward. Seke looked at her with a smile, for she was smiling as she rode on the back of the large lizard. She seemed happy about it and that alone made him happy.

Right behind them was Vaekun who was still holding Python with one hand, while the other hand had a firm hold of the reins. The three of them were on the move toward their next destination, and the place that was next was the beach where Apolline's parents were.

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