Chapter 48 : Michael's Confession

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Only Calum's Point of View

Today's going to be the most thrilling day for me... I think so? Well, It's because of this freaking guy that I'm with..He's the reason why I'm going to have a date today. Ugh, Screw Michael.

"Hey babe!" He yelled

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows as he stood up and went to my place. While fixing my collar, Michael happily said "You should really look good today. Okay? It's gonna be date time!!"

I eyed him with no emotion drawn on face. Like what? Should I really be happy with what's happening in my life right now. I'm on a trapped - and Michael's my boss. Can you believe it? Michael's my boss. I don't have any idea why did I even followed him nor agreed with his deal. But to be honest, I'm quite happy and sad about my situation. Happy? Yes I am. Because again, I'm going to have the chance to meet Kelly. But on the other hand, I'm sad for her situation because I know that she's excited to see Michael and not me. Ugh.

"Hey Unicorn?" I mumbled "You still have the chance to change to your mind. I can still back-out with the deal right?"

"Uhm, Wait. I think *Michael pouts* Yes - Yes I can change my mind but you can't back-out" He said while combing my hair, This guy is really crazy.

"What?!" I shouted, Michael bends his body down at my level and make funny faces at me. Seriously? If he wasn't even my bandmate, a brother to me and most especially my Friend. I'm gonna smack him right in his face - Very hard

"Yess. Yes.. You promise to do it for me right?"

"Uhm, Yes? Because -"



"Because You also liked it Cal" He smiled

"Pfft! Whatever okay? *Michael still combs my hair* I'm just worried about Kelly. I know she's really waiting for you. And then here I a—"

"Oh come on!! Chill!! I've done this a lot of times before!" He cheered

"Yes.. But not to Kelly" I said seriously.

Michael stopped combing my hair and then He began to be quiet. He sat beside me then sadly flung his head down. Wow? What happened? Did Michael just stop talking? I never seen him so serious like this. Hm? What happened? "Hey?" I said patting his back

"You know what? I've always loved Kelly so much. I-I mean of course none of you knew that one because I'm this ty-type of guy who doesn't even discuss my lovelife with you guys."

"Seriously? You loved Kelly?"

"I did." He replied.

"Wh-what?!" I sttutered

"Aaaahhhh" He screamed and messed his hair up. I still can't believe that after all this years that he's been going out with some randoms girls.. He truly loved somebody. And that somebody is Kelly. This is the other side of Michael that me and the Lads really want to discover. This is his side that he's not showing to us. I don't know why, But maybe because.. He's afraid of it OR he's shy to tell that to us. He paced on the other side of the bed - To be exact, at my back. Then Michael began speaking "You know what Pal? I—"

"I told you I'm not used to the word Pal" I said with no emotion

"Oh? Seriously?"

"Yes.. Seriously"

"Pal. Pal. Pal. Pal. Pal. Pal. Pal. Pal. Pal. Pal. Pal..." Then he repeated the words all throughout the day. Lol Kidding

"Michael!!" I yelled

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