Chapter 53 : Zayn Lied

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Zayn's --

"11pm" I uttered

"Are you sure?" Izza replied

I eyed Niall and Apple who's also looking at me at the moment. I'm really confused of what's happening right now. Did anyone knew? Did anyone noticed what happened last night? But If someone did — "Oh, No... No.. Zayn. That wouldn't really happen." I speak to myself ; Returning my view back to Izza, I nod at her saying "Yes, 11Pm. Same as Niall. Right Mate?"

I thought Niall's going to agree with me. But it seems to be that he have his own side of the story, It seems to be that he doesn't even believed me about what I've just said "Ahm, Actually-" While Izza's waiting for a confirmation, My heart's beating very fast. I don't know what should I even respond to the situation right now. "I saw you last night skyping with som—"

"Are you sure?" I cutted him off but Niall looked at me in a furious way, He's head turned into one side while furrowing his eyebrows "Yes, I am.. I am very sure"

Sweats began to fall down through my face, as I feel tension within the area. Abruptly, Apple began to speak saying "Ahmm.. Ahm.. Can we drop this thing up for — a while? We're supposed to eat right?" Smiling, She glance at everyone of us.

"That's a good idea" I chuckled

"Okay." Izza sighed.

"Zayn, We need to talk later" Niall suddenly said making me nod.

Quietly, I reached for the plate with full of rice and began putting some amount of it into Izza's plate. "How about Bacon? You like?" I mentioned. She didn't reply to what I've said instead she only waved her hand. A signal that she doesn't want to eat the Bacon. Something Strange is happening to her, I have no Idea what could possibly be the reason why is she like this. But is this — Because of Niall?

I switched my view to Apple and Niall for a while and saw them laughing together — as if nothing happened a while ago. I left out a soft and smile and shook my head, They're really the best and cutest couple we've ever seen. Well Of Course, Harry and Francine are the First One eh? Going back, Izza's not with herself. She's not even eating, She's just moving the fork around the plate — most likely playing with it. Now is the time, I have to do something.

I moved closer to her and held her chin up — but instead, she keeps on rejecting my approach. Wow? That was unsual. Once again, I moved closer to her, Wrap my free arm around her shoulder  and held her hand tightly "Babe? What's the matter?" Izza bowed her head as if she doesn't even want to see me. "Hey Babe? Please?" What should I even do? "Babe?" My eyes began to water as soon as I utter those words.

Unexpectedly, She looked at me straight in the eyes and said "Tell me, Is it true?" Oh —

"What? No.. No.. That's not true" I shook my head

"Bu-But—" Izza replied, Tears were starting to fall down through her face. She swayed her head on the other side where she knew she couldn't see me. I, Bowed my head down and slowly unwrapped my arm around her shoulder. "I can feel that you're lying to me" She whispered.

Suddenly, I felt a hand patting on my right shoulder. As I drifted my head up, I saw Niall looking at me sadly as well as Apple. "We're gonna go — You two must talk." She mouted, me nodding. "Thanks." I replied sobbing.

You know what really hurts? The moment you're trying the situation to be fine and yet it won't work out. The moment you're telling her the truth when in fact it was just a big Lie.

Contradictory? Yes It is. Well, First of all. I have reasons. First, I really wanna surprise her that's why I've been talking to that Mystery Person lately. I know she's the only person who could helped me with this one. Second, I Know if I'll say to her who that person is... She'll get mad at me. Third, I love Izza so much.

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