Chapter 4

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It had been a week since I went to the mall and every time I thought back to the moment when Eric hugged me and complimented me I felt butterflies inside me. I had told Rosa about what he had said and she practically screamed with joy, which made me burst with laughter. Today was the last day of school and to celebrate, Rosa, Rosa's boyfriend Miguel, Carlos, Eric, and me were celebrating at Eric's house since his parents were not going to be home all day.

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We were at Eric's house in his backyard and Rosa and Miguel had been making out for at least five minutes now. Carlos had decided to go inside as soon as Miguel arrived. He had something against Miguel but I wsn't sure what it was. After a few more minutes of awkwardness, Rosa gave me a look that said: Take Eric and leave us alone! while she was still making out with her boyfriend. " Hey, um Eric, lets go inside." "Why? I like it outside." He knew why I was trying to get him inside, but he loves to put up a fight. Which I find really cute. "Because I wanna go inside." I replied. "Well go then, I'm not stopping you." He smirked while he said it. "Well it wouldn't be right for me to go inside alone since it's not my house." I was starting to get frustrated. "It's OK. My house is your house, Carlos is inside anyways." He grinned at me, knowing I was frustrated. I groaned. "Oh just come inside with me!" I grabbed his arm and dragged him inside. I could hear Rosa and Miguel laughing in the background but I didn'y care. I was doing them a favor.

"OK, I'm inside. Now what?" "Um I dunno." My plan was to get Rosa and Miguel alone. I had totally forgotten that me and Eric would be alone as well. "Movie?" He asked. "Sure, horror?" Eric looked surprised that I would want to see a horror movie. I bet that he was expecting me to want to watch a comedy or something like that since I was so quiet. "OK, have you seen Saw 4?" "Nope."  I popped the 'p'. " OK, we're watching that then."

Half an hour had passed and the happy couple still wasn't back yet. In the movie a chandelier was about to fall on a girl and kill her. Just as it was about to hit the girl I unintentionally yelped a little and jumped into Eric's arms which made him chuckle. Realising what I had just done I jumped back to my side of the couch, my face looking as red as a tomato."Umm...sorry..." Eric started to laugh which made my face redder.

"That's OK." Eric had a big goofy grin on his face. "In fact let me get comfortable too." He put his head in my lap and kicked his feet up onto the arm rest of the couch. I bursted laughing. We started to talk and for once I felt like I wasn't the shy little girl that I always was around him. I felt like I could really be me and not worry of what people thought of me. Another hour passed and the movie finished. We barely paid any attention to it because we goofed off the rest of the hour.

When Rosa and Miguel finally came in the house, their lips were red and puffy. You could tell that they had been making out the whole time. Eric noticed too and he started to smirk. "Well looks like you two had a lot of fun." Rosa looked surprised to find Eric laying on top of me and me out of my shy mode. She snapped out of it and smirked as well. "Looks like you guys had fun as well." Miguel started to smirk too. Eric and me stuck our tongues out at the same time and we all started to laugh. "Well I have to go. See you later guys." Miguel turned to Rosa and gave her a peck on her cheek, then turned to us and waved. As soon as he was out the door Carlos came downstairs and asked, "So what do you guys wanna do?" "Movie?" Rosa asked. "Nah." Eric replied. "Truth or Dare?" I asked. Carlos grinned and everybody nodded. "I'll go get an empty bottle." Carlos ran off to look for one. 

* * * Yay for another long chapter!!!!! anyways I won't be able to update for a month cuz I won't have internet. Though I know only Clara reads this.. * * *

How Do I Tell Him?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora