Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Karen Sanchez

Carlos came back with an empty beer bottle. "Aww, you guys drank with out me?" Rosa loves beer though she can only get some when she´s in family parties. "Naw don´t worry we didn´t drink without you," Eric replied, "My dad had some friends over and this is one of their left overs that I´m too lazy to pick-up." I grinned. I don´t know why but I felt like grinning to what ever he said. Probably because we just had an amazing hour together and I wasn´t the least bit nervous when I talked to him. (For the first time by the why. I´m actually proud of myself and I couldn´t wait to tell Rosa all about our hour together.)

"OK, who wants to go first?" Carlos asked. "ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!" Rosa screamed at the top of her lungs.  Everybody else in the room covered their ears. I covered Rosa's mouth with my hand and said, "OK, how about we let Rosa go first." Rosa grinned in satisfaction. She spun the bottle and it landed on Carlos. "Truth or Dare?" She asked. "I would pick dare but with you no one ever knows what will happen so truth." "Ugh don't make the game boring.. but fine. Is it true you've had as many girlfriends as you say?" "No." Carlos answered. Rosa grinned and then acted shocked. "So you've been lying all this time?" She gasped, "I knew you've never had a girlfriend." "No I've had a girlfriend before, just not as many as I've said." "Surree, whatever you say," I replied. "No I'm serious, I've dated before." "Humph" Was all Rosa said.

"OK my turn." Carlos said. He spun the bottle and it landed on me. I tried to stay calm but I knew that   if I picked dare it would be something big. But I was curious as to what Carlos had in mind so my stupid self looked him in the eye and said  "dare"  as confidently as possible. He raised an eyebrow, surprised that I was brave enough to pick dare. "Man, you're full of surprises today Arely." Eric said. Carlos grinned, turned to Eric and winked. I looked from Eric to Carlos curiously. "I dare you, Arely Sanchez, to bite Eric's tougne." That caught both me and Rosa off guard, though Eric seemed surprisingly calm, as if he already knew. "Umm...." I didn't know what to say, if I did it not only would it be awkward but I knew that inside I would be reminded of this forever. On the other hand if I didn't do it the consequences were that I had to let them spray me with water from the hose for 10 seconds.

"Just do it Arely." Carlos said. I looked at Eric and he stuck his tougne out as little as possible, as if he wanted our lips to be as close as possible. I leaned into him and bit the tip of his tongue. I didn't want to let go and I wanted to get closer but I couldn't with Rosa and Carlos watching. As I leaned back I mentally groaned. I wanted our lips to touch and I wanted it so badly but I didn't want to seem desperate.

"OOOOOOO" Rosa said and I just looked at her with a blank expression and shrugged, though in my mind I was screaming with joy because our lips were so close. She smiled at me and she knew what was going on in my mind. Carlos looked at me with a shocked expression. He couldn't believe that I had just done that. He shook his head and said, "Your turn Arely." I spun the bottle and it landed on Rosa. "Dare" She said. I grinned evilly at Carlos. "Bite Carlos'  tougne. Hard." Carlos looked at me, expecting me to be joking. "OK."  She bit his tougne and made Carlos yelp a bit. "My turn again!!"

The rest of the game went uneventful. When it started getting late me and Rosa left and we went to Rosa's house. I was staying over her house that night and when we arrived at her house and made sure nobody was home yet I yelped like a little girl. Rosa just laughed at me and then hit me in the arm (not too hard though) for making her bite Carlos. I was too happy to hit her back. I was secretly glad that Carlos made me do that. What I found suspicious is that Eric was so willing for me to bite his tougne and they way Carlos and him looked at each other before Carlos dared me to do anything.  I shrugged it off. Then I told Rosa about my hour alone with Eric.

"Wow Arely. I'm surprised you were soo... not shy. I'm proud of you, my outgoingness is rubbing off on you!" "Yeah I'm proud of me too!" But let's go to sleep because it's getting late. We went to bed and as I started to drift to sleep I heard Rosa say, "Sweet Eric dreams." I grinned. I will never forget that first hour I wasn't shy.

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