Chapter 11

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***********This is for my dear friend, who would not stop bugging me about putting up the new chapter, B'ankha Glassper-Massey.**************************

                                            --------------- 1 week later -----------------------

"OMG HAVE YOU SEEN MY SHOES???" "WHERE IS MY HAIR CLIP." "UGH MY HAIR WONT STAY DOWN!!!!" Rosa, Clara, and me were all getting ready for the party. Clara's quincenera (15th birthday party) was today and Clara and Rosa were freaking out. I was perfectly calm. "CLARA, ROSA. WHERE THE HELL ARE MY FLATS?!?!?!?" I yelled. OK maybe not totally calm. "I DON'T KNOW. SOMEBODY HELP ME WITH MY DRESS!" Clara yelled back. I groaned. This party better be worth it. I walked over to Clara and helped her slip into her dress, while BAREFOOT since nobody would help me find my shoes! "Arely I found your flats!" Rosa yelled from the other room. I ran to her and slipped into my shoes. Rosa held her hair up looking into the mirror trying to fix her hair. "Here let me do it." I held up her hair and she stuck the hair clips in. "OK, you guys ready?" Clara came in the room. She looked amazing. She was wearing a light blue dress with many layers, some grey heels, a silver crown with blue sparkles, and she had contacts instead of glasses. She would definitely be the center of attention today. Rosa looked great too. She had a white dress on that almost reached her knees with a blue ribbon going across her waist and some grey flats. That was the dress style Clara picked out for her damas (maids of honor) that would dance with her at the party. The chambelanes (guy dancers) had on black tuxedos and blue ties on. They would all get in a limo and take pictures, then go back to the party.

The chambelanes were: Alex, Eric, and two other guys that I forgot their names. The damas were Rosa, Sabrina, that went to our school, another one named Laura, and another girl named Miranda which I had seen around school at times. "Were done." Rosa said. "See you guys there!" I said as I got in the car with Rosa's mom. She was giving me a ride to the party. "Bye!" They said in unison as they got in the limo. Today was going to be a good day.

When I got to the ballroom where the party was being held, it was mostly empty. Only three other families were there. Plus Clara, the damas, and the chambelanes. Eric's family was there, Alex's family was there. And lastly, a family I didn't know, but they had a pretty red-headed daughter and a cute son.. No, wait. Is that Victor and his family? Omg, I seriously called Victor cute?? Anyways, Eric made his way towards me.

"I told you, you look great in that dress." Eric said to me. I smiled and blushed. He did his signature smile. "You don't look bad either." I said. Eric grinned and fixed his tie. "I know right?" I laughed. "So you ready to dance later on?" I asked. He grinned. "Of coarse.. Cumbia, Merengue, Bachata, Pegadito.. all of that sweetheart." He smiled and pinched my cheeks. I just laughed and batted his hands away. 

---------------- An hour later----------------------

People filled the ballroom tables, eating, talking. All having a good time. Except me. Rosa, Clara, Eric, and Alex were all busy getting things organized so I had nobody to talk to. I mentally groaned. Suddenly some one pulled up a chair next to me and sat down. I looked at the person. Great, Victor. "Why so down babe? Aren't you having fun?" I rolled my eyes at him " First of all, don't call me babe. Second of all, I'm just waiting for the surprise dances to be done so I can dance with my friends." "Awe and I'm not your friend?" He asked, pouting. Again, I rolled my eyes. I replied "Well friend as in friend, no. Person I know, yeah." Victor just grinned. "Tell you what, how about you save a dance for me. OK?" "Bu..." I didn't get to finish because he just stood up, and left.

"Humph." Was all I said. "OK people. Please clear the dance floor, the Quincenera and her dancers will perform the surprise dance now!" The DJ boomed through the speakers. Some bachata music came on, and the chambelanes came out, holding the hands of their dance partner. One thing I did not like was Eric's partner. Sabrina. I guess I was a little jealous. OK a lot jealous, but come on. She's the popular girl of the school and she's dancing with MY boyfriend. Then Clara came out and they started the dance. It was cool, but I stopped paying attention because I was more focused on how close Eric and Sabrina were. Not cool Clara, I blame you. The dance ended and everyone clapped. Suddenly a fast song came on and the chambelanes and damas all pulled someone out to dance. Clara came and got me and we danced for a bit until Sabrina pulled Victor over to us. Then Sabrina and Clara left me and Victor alone to dance. I couldn't go back so I just danced there with him. After a while we started holding hands and actually dancing dancing. He's not that bad and I was actually having fun. I looked around and saw Eric dancing with Sabrina and the red-head. I narrowed my eyes. I didn't like how he was dancing with them. I think it's Victors sister. If she is then it's it's alright because they would be cousins. "Hey um Victor is that you sister?" I asked, pointing towards the red-head. "Oh no that's a friend of mine, her name is Elizabeth. She'll be going to your school next year."

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