Chapter 10

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****TEN CHAPTERS YAY!!!! anyways.. this is for u Clara.************

My eyes widened. Did I hear right? Did he just ask me out? Him, the amazing, sweet, cute, funny, incredible Eric Reyes just asked me, the quiet, shy, nerdy sometimes Arely Sanchez to be his girlfriend? No this had to be a dream. Or maybe I didn't hear right. I had to bite my tougne just so I wouldn't yelp in joy. He asked me out. Eric Reyes really did like me. OH MY GOD HE WANTS TO GO OUT WITH ME!!!!!!

Eric blushed and looked away. He seemed sad. "Should I take your silence as a no?" What? No, no don't take it as a no. I love you!!! "Yes." I couldn't manage anymore words without seeming desperate. Yes, of course, I would love to go out with you. I always have, since, like, for ever. He looked up at me and smiled. Then he took my hand in his and I laid my head on his shoulder. This moment is perfect, better than anything I've ever imagined. The Ferris Wheel started again and we began to descend. As we reached the bottom I felt something vibrate in my pocket. I reached for my phone and there was a message from Rosa. It read:

'Hey Arely where u guys at? we've been looking for u guys. meet us by the cotton candy stand.'

I replied: 'Kk we r on our way'

"Rosa wants us to meet them by the cotton candy stand." I said. "OK." He smiled at me, that signature Eric smile. I loved it. It always made me smile along. "Have I ever told you that you have the most amazing smile. You should really smile more." He said. I blushed and looked down. As we walked to the cotton candy stand, we walked in silence. But it wasn't that awkward silence, it was more like the blissful silence, the kind of silence you want to keep forever. The kind of silence that you both enjoy, and you don't need any word to communicate with. You just communicate with your eyes. And that was fine with me because I was at a loss of words. I still didn't get over that fact that he liked me. I couldn't wait to go tell Rosa and Alex.

When we reached the stand, Miguel and Rosa were sitting at a table looking around, probably for us. Rosa spotted us and ran up to us. "Where have you two been? We've been looking for you guys forever! We're leaving in like 40 minutes! And why are you two hold-" She stopped mid-sentence. Rosa narrowed her eyes at us and I couldn't help but smile. She dragged me away from Eric. "Bathroom, now."  Was all she said. When we reached the restroom, Rosa faced me and looked me up and down. Then she smiled and her voice got high pitched. "OMG HE ASKED YOU OUT DIDN'T HE?? HOW WAS IT? DID YOU KISS YET? WHAT'S IT LIKE? HOW DO YOU FEEL? ANSWER!" I laughed. "Yes, awesome, no, awesome, and amazing." We both had big grins on our faces and we started jumping up and down. After we were done we started laughing our buts off. Some people stared at us, but I didn't care. Today was a day I would never forget.

We got back to the guys and then They bought us some cotton candy. There was still 20 minutes to kill so Miguel and Rosa took another ride in the tunnel of love. "Hey um Arely, you wanna go to?" I raised an eyebrow. Eric wanted to go in the tunnel of love? I mean, I know we go out and all but seriously? It's like the most cheesy ride ever. But, then again, I never know.. "OK." I replied.  We got on the little boat thingy and went through the opening. I was right, it's the most cheesy, classic, lovey-dovey thing I've ever seen. About have way down the ride, we entered a dark tunnel and based on movies I knew what was next. I felt a hand on my cheek and I sensed Eric lean in. I closed my eyes and leaned in as well. As our lips met, I was in heaven. He had the most softest lips ever. When we touched, I felt like flying. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands around my waist. The kiss went from sweet and caring to passionate. It would've turned into a make-out session until the light started seeping in from outside and we broke the kiss. I sensed Eric hesitate before leaving a peck on my cheek and I blushed. Now I know that earlier I said that the Tunnel of Love was stupid right? Well now it's the best ride ever! He took my hand in his again and we intertwined fingers. I felt like I was in one of my novelas (Mexican soap operas) and that sooner or later something or some one was going to come along and ruin it. We got off the boat thingy and searched for Rosa and Miguel. When we found them we headed towards the parking lot and found Rosa's mom waiting there for us. Miguel got shot gun and Rosa sat by the window. Eric got in the middle and when I got in. I laid my head in his lap and put my feet up on the seat. I felt like falling asleep right there, and never move from that spot. Today, was the best day ever. Yet.    


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