Chapter 13

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The next day I woke up on the living room floor with a snoring Rosa next to me. I felt a smile creeping on my lips as I remember last nights events. That song is sooo my new ring tone. I nudged for Rosa to wake up, but she kept on snoring. I sighed, then a thought occurred to me. I got up as quietly as I could, counted to three in my head, and pounced on Rosa. "AGHHHH!" Rosa woke, startled. When she realized what had happened she grumbled and pushed me off. But by then I was already cracking up, rolling around on the floor. "That was NOT funny, Arely!!" Rosa yelled. I tried to answer, but I could barely get air in my lungs. I was to busy laughing. When I finished, I got off and hugged Rosa. "I still love you though." I said. Rosa just grumbled and pushed me away. I muffled a laugh and went to the kitchen.

"So what do you want for breakfast?" I asked Rosa.  She looked at me like I was crazy. "No. You will never, EVER be allowed to cook for me again. Not after last time. I laughed and remembered what happened last time. I burned everything. But in my defence, it was taking to long to warm up so I left the food on the stove and I started to watch TV. Then I went back to the kitchen and the eggs and pancakes were burnt. So now, only Rosa cooks. Well, at least I don't have to do anything. "CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES PLEASE!!!" I yelled as I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I needed to think, and what better place than the shower? "OK!" Rosa yelled back.

When I got out the shower I changed clothes and blow dried my hair. Then I went in the kitchen and the delicious smell hit me. Pancakes. Chocolate Chip Pancakes. I smiled. This girl, can make pancakes. I served myself some food, poured two cups of orange juice, and brought it all to the table. Suddenly, my phone started ringing. I raced to my phone and checked the screen. 'Eric' it read. I smiled and bit my lip before answering. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "Good Morning beautiful. Did I wake you up?" I smiled wider. "Good Morning. No I was already up. Me and Rosa are having breakfast. You wanna come over?" I asked. I really wanted his arms around me again. "I'd love to, but I can't. I have to clean the whole house if I wanna go out later on. And I need to go out later on. But see ya later. Te quiero carino." (I love you sweet heart.) Eric said. "Tambien te quiero." (Love you too.) I said back, a little disappointed that he couldn't come. Oh well. I hung up and went back to my food. Half of my pancakes were gone. "ROSAAA!" I whined. "Hey, you snooze, you lose. " She said.

Rosa took a shower and I let her borrow some of my clothes. After that we started watching TV. We spent the whole morning watching TV. By the time we checked the clock, it was already 6 in the afternoon. My phone rang again and I didn't even bother checking who it was. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "Hey carino." My face lit up instantly. Eric. "Hey." I said, perking up a bit. "So, I was thinking. Paranormal Activity 4 just came out. You wanna go see it? Me, you, Rosa, and Carlos?" Eric said. "Sure!" I said, a little to excited. I blushed, glad he couldn't see my face. "Great. My dad is taking is dropping us off there. See you at seven? He asked. "Sure." I replied. "K, See you then. Bye." "Bye." I said. "What happened?" Rosa asked. "We're going to the movies. Me, you, Eric, and Carlos." I said. Rosa smiled. "Outfit time!" She yelled. I smiled and rolled my eyes, following Rosa to my room.

When we reached my room, Rosa stopped abruptly and turned around, making me almost bump into her. "What?" I asked, confused. You may not see what your outfit is until I pick it out and decide what to do with your hair." Rosa said, in her bossy voice. "Bu-" I didn't get to finish because she gave me her glare that said you sure you wanna go against me? I sighed. "Fine.." I grumbled and turned around. I went to the computer, turned it on, and blasted some music.

--------------------Half An Hour Later---------------------------------------------------------------------

"Dude, are you done yet?" I yelled at Rosa. Seriously, half an hour to pick an outfit? It's not like I have that many clothes. The door to my room opened and out came a sleepy Rosa. "Oh no you didn't. I know you did NOT just take a nap while I was out here bored out of my mind!" I yelled at Rosa. "Well lets just say your bed was calling to me. It whispered my name. 'Roosaaa' it said." I just rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Well?" I said. "What? Oh yeah, the outfit. I don't know, you go in and pick something." She said as she went back and plopped in my bed under the covers. I groaned. "You're making my bed before we leave. OK?" I said. "Mhmm." Rosa replied back, drifting into a slumber. "Lazy." I said, though I knew she couldn't here me. I rummaged in my closet until I found what I was looking for.  My black leather jacket. This will go great with my white tank top and black skinny jeans. And of coarse, my black CONVERSE. I you haven't noticed by now, I love converse!

I laid my outfit on my desk and went to lay next to Rosa. I wanted to fall asleep, but not here. I wanted to fall asleep in his arms. Suddenly the events of last night played in my mind, over and over again. He didn't have the best singing voice, but it was good enough. For me anyways.

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed. I woke startled. I must have fallen asleep, and I felt a heavy weight on me. I opened my eyes and found Rosa laying on me. "How do you like it?" She said with a smirk on her face. I rolled my eyes. "Get up, you're heavy!" I grunted. She rolled of me and I took a big gulp of air. I went to my desk, got my outfit, and checked the clock. 6:59. "Omg is Eric here yet?" I asked. "No he's on his way." Rosa replied. "He called you and you didn't answer so I got up and answered, he said he'll be here in like a minute." She replied, nonchalantly. "Shit." I mumbled. I grabbed my clothes and dashed to the bathroom. I changed as quickly as possible and started to try to until my hair. "Dang stupid hair, not now." I said, struggling with the knots in my hair. I finally got the last knot when my phone rang again. Rosa answered for me. "Hello!!!" She said in a sing-song voice. "OK we'll be right outside!" She said hanging up. "He's here?" I asked. "Yup." "OK." I replied. We stepped outside and I was greeted by a warm breeze. Perfect weather, I thought to myself. We got into Eric's dad's car and buckled our seat belts. Eric had shot gun and he shot me a Eric signature smile. I smiled back. Love ya. I thought to myself, hoping he would read my mind. "Love ya!" He mouthed at me and turned around. OMG he can read my mind! I thought to myself.

We arrived at the movie theater. His dad dropped us off and zoomed away. Looks like he was in a hurry to  leave us. As we entered the theater, Eric sped up to pay and Rosa went with him. Carlos and I hung back. "Sooo how's it going?" Carlos asked, looking down and rubbing the back of his neck. He looked like one of those guys on TV where they are about to tell a girl something embarrassing. Interesting, I thought to myself. So Carlos likes me huh? Interesting.... "Good i guess." I replied. Play it dumb Arely, play it dumb. "So can I ask something?" He asked nervously. "Sure." I replied. "Why did you-" He stopped mid sentence when Eric came and put his arm around my waist. I arched an eyebrow but Carlos looked away. Oh well, I thought, I'll get it out of him later. We walked towards the screen room and as we took our seats, I remembered something. I scream like a idiot in scary movies.  

 *********Boring, i kno. But ill make it up to u in the next chapter... hint hint B'Ankha i might use ur idea :D **************************************************************

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